The mental body is not held in any one particular place. Different parts of the mental body are connected to different parts of the physical body, and some of the mental body are completely unconnected to the physical body or the field it generates. Most of the mental body exists in the natural toroidal field your body generates. It is part of your energetic field, and the brain is a receptor that receives information from the mental body and translates that information into something your body can use. The mental body is not the same as your Mind. Your Mind is the whole of you. Your entire consciousness. (Or even more expanded, Source itself.) The mental body is like the incarnated mirror of the Mind. It's the fractalized version of your Mind. Smaller, but functions in a similar manner. What your Mind thinks about is what the mental body thinks about, so long as what's being thought of is within the limited bandwidth of the mental body's perception. This bandwidth is determined by your incarnated self's vibration. The higher the vibration, the broader the bandwidth. Which is to say, there are things your Mind thinks about that you don't know about, because your mental body is too constricted (on purpose) to perceive it. That's okay, if you thought about all the things your Mind thinks about, there'd be no surprises in life. Because your mental body is part of your energetic field, it is also connected and part of your astral body. And because your mental body is constrained by the frequency bandwidth available to your incarnated self, your astral body will take on whatever appearance you expect to have while in the physical realm (more or less, the constraints are looser in the astral). Ah, but wait, there's more! After exploring this subject for quite some time now, I've come to realize some very interesting things about the mental body and Mind:
Where the Unconscious Mind LivesEarth science states that the unconscious mind is part of the brain. Taygetan science expresses that the unconscious mind is a set of background programming that is also housed in the physical body and deeply connected to the astral body. The unconscious mind is an expression of the astral body. I shall say something different. The unconscious mind exists in the lower astral as a field and a reality in and of itself. It is neither the astral body nor the physical body. Your astral body can travel inside the unconscious mind as if it is traveling anywhere else in the non-local realm. This is what happens when you dream. You travel inside your unconscious mind, which creates an interactive reality that operates under its own rules (often mirroring a lighter existential version of your physical reality). In a previous post I mentioned briefly that physical reality is an interface for the soul to work through its problems. It's like a computer terminal. Your unconscious mind is exactly the same. It is also an interface through which the soul can reprogram itself. With sufficient awareness, you can enter that reality in your astral body and directly reprogram your background patterns by interacting with that reality just as you do in the physical. How does this look? What is the experience like? It is very similar to your physical life, with the exception that the existential vibration is lighter than your physical reality. The specific vibration of your unconscious mind will largely depend on the vibration your soul is used to inhabiting in the physical. It is, after all, where your reality is generated. If, for example, you have spent much of your life in one density but moved your physical body to a different density, then the reality generated by your unconscious mind will for a time continue to match the vibration of the previous density. It takes time to reprogram the unconscious mind to accept the new density and begin generating a new reality based on the new vibration. This means your experience in your unconscious mind's reality will look and feel very much like the reality of the previous density. It's because you are still trying to run the same programs that energetically applied to your previous density. Now, depending on which direction you are going in density, this can be just fine and dandy (going from lower density to a higher density)...or it can be the stuff of nightmares and crazy town (going from a higher density to a lower density). When you go from a lower density to a higher one, the lower density is already included in the energetic map of the new density, so the transition is much simpler and smoother. When you go from a higher density to a lower one, the lower density's energetic map does not include your higher density programming. So your unconscious mind's programming is partially incompatible with the physical reality you now inhabit. When I visualize how this would manifest, the first image that comes to mind is someone having a nervous breakdown. Very confusing, scary, and existentially painful. How much time the reprogamming takes is completely relative, because time doesn't really exist. In the example above, it is entirely possible to reprogram the unconscious mind overnight, and yet find yourself having spent months in that astral realm. Again, time doesn't exist. I really recommend the movie Inception for this to witness it. If you can discard the convoluted explanations offered in the movie and focus on the following part of the story: Dom and Mal spend an entire lifetime in their unconscious mind. When they exit, only several minutes have passed in their physical bodies. This happens to you in the physical world all the time when you sleep. There have been several times in my life where I have spent many months and years in the astral, and yet when I woke up in my physical body, only a few hours had passed. I think the ongoing record is 2 years and 8 months in the space of a 2 hour dream. You don't ever remember that whole entire time passing. When you wake up and remember your dream, if you do, you remember the highlight reel. Not all the detail. Where the Astral Body is Stored and RechargedFor a while I thought the astral body was part of my energetic field only. That it was only tethered to the physical body. I have since learned that the astral body is stored specifically in the solar plexus energy center. I'll not say chakra, though you could say chakra, but it's not that defined all the time. Sometimes it is. Sometimes it's not. Generally speaking, though, your astral body is stored in the solar plexus when it's not being used. Your solar plexus is where your prana is distributed. Where your vital energy is dispersed. It's not where your vital energy is stored, but it is where it is distributed as needed--whether that be throughout your physical body or out into the etheric field for the purposes of creation and manifestation. We call this "will" or "willpower". Your astral body, is therefore, linked to your concept of "will" and "willpower". It is linked to who you perceive yourself to be. This astral body does not have an infinite energetic capacity. Just like your physical body, it gets tired and needs to rest. This is why you aren't astral traveling all the time. Why sometimes you get pulled into the complete Now moment in your physical body and you are only dealing with the physical realm (whether you want to or not). It's because your astral body is tired and needs to recharge. I suspect this is also why your astral travels happen most when your body is asleep. Yes, it happens in part because the constraints on your perception are lifted while your physical body is unconscious. But it also happens because your astral body and physical body trade places and functions throughout the day. While one is resting, the other is doing. That said, with soul experiences, expansion, and development, you can learn to activate both bodies at the same time. A tarot reader once called this "edge walking", and the phrase has stuck with me. It sounds perfect. Walking between both worlds at the same time. When "edge walking", you have your astral body active at the same time as your physical one and you are able to alternate perception experiences. With an adjustment of your focus, you can be in the astral, and then go right back to your physical body. Sometimes, you can pick up both perceptual feeds at once. Eventually, one or both bodies need to rest so this skill cannot be done all the time. Additionally, edge walking is itself fairly energy expensive and it will make both bodies tired faster. Know someone who needs lots of naps or sleeps a lot has a tendency to space out? You're possibly looking at an edge walker. Your Point of AttentionYour Point of Attention is wherever the primary focus of your current incarnated self is. Your soul can have multiple Points of Attention, which is to say multiple incarnations, but those individual points do not typically "cross streams". They aren't usually aware of one another, because that would be disruptive to each incarnated self's set of life experiences. Unless, of course your soul decides it wants the experience of being aware of multiple versions of itself. Which happens. Some souls choose to even have their Points of Attention merge together and not only be aware of one another, but be one another. A fascinating experience.
At any rate, your Point of Attention can be anywhere at any time. It is not necessarily constrained by you having a physical body, nor is it constrained by your astral body. It can go anywhere into any time. When you sleep, it follows your astral body. When you're awake, it follows your physical body. When you meditate, it goes where you tell it to go. When you are being channeled by someone, it goes into the channeler's body. And sometimes, when having a deep spiritual experience with another person, it merges with the other person's Point of Attention--usually only temporarily. I thank you for your time. Adiamas. --Kyriel Comments are closed.
December 2024