If time and space are defined by a hex-coordinate system (x,y,z and a,b,c planes), then what defines a timeline? What is a timeline if time is a coordinate in reality just like a coordinate in space? Let’s explore. This conundrum suddenly presented itself to me after thinking about how it’s common to “jump timelines” when in the process of evolving yourself. (Or by accident if you’re in a ship.) And I thought, “Well, wait a minute, if time is a set of coordinates, then what specifies a “timeline”? How can there be a timeline if time is a coordinate plane?”
So I went for a walk, chatted with my friends in my head about it. Contemplated with them how our timelines had each shifted individually such that we found ourselves on the same “timeline”, but still felt at a loss for where a timeline is described in a coordinate system. Then I asked my soul about it, because my soul knows my specific coordinate at all times, and I think I’ll start there. A spacetime coordinate for a singular person in a physically incarnated body is 20 digits long. Digits in this case are classed as numerals 0-11, as the universe is on a base-12 mathematical system, not base 10 (which would be 0-9). I shall attempt to break down this coordinate into sections that describe where and when you are. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Here’s our fictitious coordinate. Each digit will correspond to its numerical “slot” in the sequence (1-20). [0 1 2 3 4 5] 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Digits 1-6 determine the specific location in “space” and “time”. This is your “where” and your “when”. 0 1 2 3 4 5 [6 7 8 9 10 11] 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Digits 7-12 determine the “timeline” you are currently on. Timeline here is defined by a specific, existential vibration of the local universe you are inhabiting. The information in this digit set also includes what “frequency range” (density) you are in. This is important, and I will explain it shortly. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 [11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4] Digits 13-20 determine the specific, existential vibration of the physical incarnated body your soul is connected to at any moment. If you change any part of this 20-digit coordinate, you will change those attributes that affect its particular harmonic section. For example, if I change something in 1-6, I will be changing where and/or when I am. If I change something in 7-12, I will be changing which density layer and local universe I am in, but not where or when I am in that local universe. If I change something in 13-20, I can change my physical body’s shape and presentation, or I can change which body I, as a soul, am focusing on entirely. (In the event there are multiple incarnations of my same soul in the same local universe, that is. Otherwise, I will need to change the local universe “address”.) Now then. What’s a timeline? A timeline is not a line at all. You could call it a sequence of events, but still that’s not exactly it, either. It’s a specific incarnation of the local universe you are observing. This specific incarnation of the local universe has its own story to tell. Its own set of trajectories, and your presence in that local universe also has its own trajectories. So, when you “timeline jump”, it’s not like you’re jumping to another sequence of events in the SAME reality you were in. You are jumping to a DIFFERENT reality entirely! One that is running parallel to the reality you left. Sometimes you’re even jumping into a different density as well. And when you enter this new local universe, your trajectory will shift to match the existential vibration of this new local universe’s story. This is why you can have a “quantum leap” in terms of experience. Your vibration must shift to match the vibrational trajectory of the storyline of your present local universe. If you have shifted yourself into a local universe that has a much higher existential vibration than your previous universe, then you must likewise rise rapidly in vibration to match it if you wish to remain in that universe. If I’ve lost you, not to worry. I’ll try to ground this and bring it home. Let’s say… In Local Universe A (LUA), I am a tarot reader who is moderately spiritually awake with some psychic abilities. In Local Universe B (LUB), I am a channeler who is extremely spiritually aware with mastery over multiple psychic abilities. Suppose my soul would like a different trajectory based on what it observes playing out in Local Universe A (because…reasons). Maybe it’s not satisfied with the way LUA is going or the speed at which I will grow there or who I will meet. So, it decides it wants to go to LUB, where the opportunities for growth are much greater. My soul changes this incarnated self’s coordinates to match a different local universe. My incarnated self may feel this or it may not. In this case, this did happen and I felt it like a jolt of electricity through my entire body that shook every muscle in that body. I had no idea what was happening at the time other than I asked Source to “make me a lighthouse”. I thought the giant bolt of electricity was just a blockage clearing, because…well that was a big Free Will ask at the time for me. (Also, I have no idea what made me ask it. I just found myself asking it.) So, I’m teleported to Local Universe B. I haven’t moved in space or time, because those coordinates are the same. I haven’t changed bodies, because those coordinates are the same. All we changed was which Local Universe my butt was sitting and meditating in. Because Local Universe B is vibrationally higher than Local Universe A, now I have to raise my vibration to match it. This is a pretty forgiving task, because as long as you’re taking a step in the direction of “raising your vibration”, Source will support you and keep you in that Local Universe until you match it and hold that vibration all by yourself. And because you are supported in this way, your vibration rises much faster than this would ordinarily occur were you still in the same Local Universe. You must catch up to LUB if you want to stay there. This is where the “quantum leap” happens. You are raising your vibration so quickly, that your perceived reality must now match your rising vibration. Which means massive changes start happening in your life…and to you. So, in LUB, I’m a channeler. Well, now I have to turn on channeling abilities. And I’m supposed to be more spiritually awake, well, now we initiate a rapid spiritual awakening and all the stages that contains. Interestingly, when you do this sort of “quantum leap”, your coordinates for your body change slightly. You will physically look different. I cannot explain why that is other than the rise in vibration of your consciousness causes the vibration of your cells to rise, which necessitates an “adjustment” to the physical incarnated self’s presentation. If you are a starseed in an Earth human body, you slowly stop looking Earth human and start looking like whatever your predominant stellar heritage is. Which can make for some weird mornings in the mirror where you’re quizzically wondering how it is you suddenly have really nice cheekbones. And since when did your eyes get larger and more reflective. And why do you suddenly enjoy cantaloupes when you’ve hated them all your life. And why is everyone looking at you like you’re some strange ethereal being…and oddly enough you feel comfortable with that. Ah, the perils of the quantum leap for the ego. Anyway, if you’re not a starseed in an Earth human body and you’re a stellar being in your stellar being body. Then the changes you experience will be those bringing you more into alignment with yourself as a light being. I feel that whatever physical adjustments that might involve will be far more varied and personal. Yet, I am confident you too experience mornings where you look in the mirror, frown in puzzlement, squint your eyes, and go “Was that feature always like that?” And for some reason, it’s damnably difficult for you to remember if it was or wasn’t. (Because it both was and wasn’t.) In summary, timelines do not exist as commonly described. Parallel realities do, and each one has a massive collective story to play out. This is what you are talking about when you say “timeline”. It’s a “storyline”. Everybody has a story to tell. Why wouldn’t your entire local universe? I thank you for your time. Adiamas. —Kyriel Comments are closed.
February 2025