Pulled from a few Telegram posts. The following discusses using the technique of a Boolean true/false or yes/no method of connecting to your higher self or oversoul. It's a simple set up wherein you arrange for a physical bodily response to "true" and "false" after a question or prompt from you to your higher self. For me, I have it set up where, with my eyes closed, the front eyelid muscle moves for "true" and the back eyelid muscle moves for "false". I also have it set up where either pinky moving is "true" and either ring finger moving is "false". You can use whatever you like however you like. It's your system. This is just how I did it. There’s lot you can learn using a simple Boolean true/false set up. You can use it to guide your questioning. You can use it to confirm a line of thought or negate a line of thought. “This way, not that way.” With this, you can get accurate numerical data. 50%? Over? Under? Wait for the “true” hit. Here’s how I often determine something like a percent value. I will put an asterisk next to the “true” hit.
This is how powerful this is. You are a huge database of everything. You just have to figure out how to query it. This method is simple, accurate, but a tiny bit time consuming. However, because you are working with a simple Boolean, there is less room for doubt. Sometimes, you will run into a scenario where you get neither a hit on true or false. In which case, you must consider two more values:
Technique for Getting ET NamesI learned this from watching the TAPS ghost hunter show when they invited this husband and wife team of investigators. This is how they would get ghost names.
I can get some weird spellings when I do this, because the phonemes of whatever ET culture I’m asking about might be very different from English. But usually, I get something pronounceable. And oversoul usually guides a little bit in polishing the phoneme sounds if I really care to get it right. There was one time where I knew the person I was asking about but forgot their name, and I knew I could go look up their name. I decided not to and tried the technique above. The spelling was off, but when I said the name out loud, and when I looked up the name just to verify, the sound was quite close. Letters off but verbal sound was right. So it does work. Comments are closed.
December 2024