Today I want to talk about what happens as you expand and encounter the edges of your perceptual reality. While on Earth, I commonly lamented that there are many people who call themselves “free thinkers” who refused to actually define what it is they were thinking free of. It was a case of people who would say, “I’m an outside of the box person” where when questioned about this, would refuse to define the box they were thinking outside of. To which I would lament, “How can you think outside of the box when you don’t know where the box is? You must define the box before you can ever be outside of it!”
This is true of full realities. In order to break outside of a perceptual matrix, you must first comprehend the defining characteristics of that matrix. You have to define your box before you can exit it. Or to reference the movie “The Truman Show”, you must run your sailboat into the edge of the studio wall in order to find the exit door. So, when seeking to exit a matrix, you have to find the edges of the matrix. These edges are not physical, but are instead perceptual. And to find the edges of a perceptual matrix, you expand your consciousness until it pushes against the perceptual boundaries defining one reality from another. Once you press against the boundaries sufficiently enough, you will automatically begin to seek ways beyond those boundaries. It’s like being inside a membrane, expanding to fill the entirety of the membrane, stretching that membrane, and then finally poking a tiny hole in the membrane into what is beyond. Like an animal hatching out of an egg. As below, so above. The process of birth is the same. In the case of perception, you would be rebirthing yourself. How does this feeling of hitting the membrane manifest? It manifests first as divine discontent. You begin to notice life feels somehow dull, boring, all figured out. Even if there are still challenges, you start feeling a little bit like Neo fighting Agent Smith at the end of the Matrix. Just standing there one-handedly dealing with your challenges while you fight the urge to yawn. You feel simultaneously restless and lazy. Part of you want to move, but the rest of you lounges and says, “But to where?” So the desire to move and not move exists in you at the same time. Divine discontentment. This is your consciousness as it encounters the perceptual boundaries of your present matrix. This experience does not diminish as you expand. Instead, it continues to grow. You then become restive. The desire to move, to change, to make something change becomes stronger with each passing moment. You might not make any obvious change in your life, because maybe what is needed to change is something you cannot outwardly change. Because perhaps all that is presently in your life is of the old paradigm or the reality itself is the old paradigm. So this restive feeling continues to build. This is your consciousness pressing against those perceptual boundaries and beginning to stretch them. The restive feeling comes from the resistance encountered when stretching those boundaries. Finally, there is a moment of release when you find something new. You have found a pinhole in the membrane and are pushing your way through it and out into new territory. The restiveness gives way to sudden, concentrated action. You might make actual changes in your life, or you might be filled with a sudden desire to create. This is the outward expression of your consciousness pushing into a new and broadened matrix. One where it no longer knows the edges. During this experience, there may be moments of irrational fear and doubt, as you do not know the rules of this new matrix you have encountered. There may be moments of trying to make yourself small, but that never works because once you expand you cannot stop. There will be many moments of exhilaration and excitement, because there is nothing a soul loves more than to expand into new territory. Eventually, the old matrix falls away like afterbirth or a shell or shed skin, and you’re in a new territory with no sense of boundaries. You are in a new matrix. A new perceptual “room”. Usually, this is when the old things in your life all fall away at once. Often times, this presents a ton of drama for the ego, as it doesn’t like the idea of “losing” things even as it gains other things. But eventually the ego gets on board and learns how to enjoy its new sandbox and toys. Right now, I am in a restive phase. I feel like I only just left one matrix not 5 minutes ago, but here I am, restive again. Feeling the push against the membrane, and I’m starting to look for a pinhole. Let’s see where we go next. I thank you for your time. Adiamas. —Kyriel Comments are closed.
January 2025