Today I want to share the story in detail about what happened when I took telepathic control of my dog and his body. I also want to talk about the difference between telepathic control and sharing of bodies. Jack was a special dog. He was a wolf in a dog's body, and clearly it'd been a very long time since he'd incarnated on Earth. His soul usually incarnates on Erra, though there have been special missions we've had together on Earth. Previous Earth lives, he was a village dog--a proto-dog--which means an animal that is mostly free but in dog shape.
While he was with me this lifetime, he had a lot of difficulty navigating modern human society. Most humans are emotionally unstable, telepathically projecting all kinds of shadows they aren't conscious of, and scared (consciously/unconscious) of everything. Jack, being very sensitive, picked up on this and disliked 99% of humans we met. Even starseeds who weren't aware of what they are. The only people he did like and relax around were those starseeds that were at least in the process of remembering themselves and becoming conscious. Therefore, taking Jack out in public was always a little difficult. He'd bark at all those emotionally unstable people, shying away from them no matter how "friendly" they wanted to be. This included people of all ages. And of course, Jack is a German Shepherd that is unusually tall and wolf-like, so most people would be terrified. Especially children. I lived in a neighborhood where my nextdoor neighbor had a young boy around 2 years old. One evening, his little boy was toddling up the street for a walk with his parents. I was taking Jack out to go to the bathroom across the street, and I walked in the opposite direction a little ways. On my way back to the house, the little boy was running down the street in our direction. I saw Jack's ears go up. I saw his body go on high alert. He was going to bark at that little boy and scare him. I did not want that to happen. I didn't want the boy to be scared of dogs. My desire for this was so strong that as I pulled Jack close to me on the leash, I felt my mind flow right down that leash into his body. "Heel. Do not move from my side." I said that with such force, Jack was crushed against my side, following every single step with mine, walking in the most perfect heel I've ever seen. I could feel his consciousness pulling toward the boy, so I yanked it around so he was looking straight ahead. At first, I was pleased with the control I had over him. It felt good to have him walking step-by-step with me. But I could feel us starting to struggle against one another. I was getting drained and tired. Meanwhile... I looked down at Jack. He was panting heavily, looking up at me with the whites of his eyes bright. I saw-felt stress, anxiety, fear. I felt-heard, "I'm sorry. I'll be good. This is too tight! Too tight! Let me go too tight!" And I could feel how tight the control was. It was like putting on a wet suit that is so tight you can barely move. It was starting to scare him. I took a deep breath, let it out, and said to him out loud, "Jack, I'm so sorry. I didn't know I was doing that. Are you okay?" I felt anxious that I'd hurt him somehow, but the second I let go of the control, he shook himself all over and trotted over to the house. He wanted to go back inside. He was done with outside, please. As I walked into the front door and took my shoes off, a cool, raspy, remote voice entered my head. It was the voice of one of my Arcturian guides I had at the time. It said, {{ You have just taken telepathic command of another. This is a dangerous power to have. }} {{ Have I done something wrong? Did I hurt him?! }} {{ You have done nothing wrong, because you didn't know you could do that. He is unharmed. But remember the stress and fear inside of him. Remember how he felt. Remember that is how it feels to be under that kind of command against your will. }} {{ I'll remember. Thank you. }} Of course, I felt awful for doing that to my beloved Jack. I was embarrassed and couldn't look him in the eye for a while that day. At least until a few hours had passed, and he came over with his tail wagging and licked my face wanting attention. I gave him a hug and it was all right. I have not used that ability since that moment, because I understand what kind of stress it puts someone under. I wondered for a while what use it could have in a positive sense. The image that kept showing up in my head was a starship that's about to explode, everyone is too afraid to move, and you need everyone to move right then and there. That was the appropriate time to use telepathic command. To save everyone in an emergency, and it's only to get them moving and unstuck. Now that I've talked about this ability. Let me compare it to a similar, but very different phenomena. That is the telepathic sharing of bodies. This is not telepathic control. This is what happens when two or more people become some energetically linked and merged that the line between one self and another starts to blur. Where it is possible to slide into another's body with them and share that body for a time. Or vice versa. Or you both share both bodies at once with part of your consciousness in your body and theirs and part of their consciousness in their body and yours. This is something amphibious Sirians experience as a way of life. Their family units are all like this. It's why they move the way they do in ship fleets. It's why they life so close together. They do this all the time with each other and it is a natural way of being. They see it as the beautiful union of consciousness and selves. It is a way they experience love for one another, both platonically, romantically, and sexually. So, for example, when their lover gets excited and merges into their body to be intimate with it, it is not seen as something fearful or controlling. It is seen as an experience to enjoy and welcome. Having been this species for multiple lifetimes (13), it is a mode of being that feels quite natural to me. Therefore, if that happens to me, I naturally react the way a Sirian would. "Yay! Let's play!" I have a deep trust of those I would choose as lovers, especially if we reach a point where we can merge consciousness like that. It takes an exceptionally aware Lyrian to be capable of doing that. It takes two very incredibly adept Lyrians to do that together with one another. However, I also understand this is not how Lyrians usually are. Because I have also been one for uncounted lifetimes. They are a more independent species that likes to keep its consciousness within ordered boundaries. Those boundaries differ between civilizations, but it seems to me all of them have this idea of "boundaries". The idea of boundary violation has become...well if I may be so has become a limited thought pattern in that collective consciousness. It's preventing deeper connections from happening. And I can understand why. Heartbreak is not handled easily in the species. Romance is something that kind of takes one over. Deep, ancient trauma in the collective consciousness surrounding betrayal has yet to be purged. So, when the boundaries between two or more people get so blurred they start to lose definition, that's scary. It triggers the trauma wound. "If I am no longer me, if I become we and they hurt me, I will be nothing." That's the fear. The fear of obliteration. Plus, we've been fucked over as a species by narcissists so many times for so many millennia and so badly that we've been deeply traumatized around the concepts of control, manipulation, and enmeshment. I don't blame us. Narcissists really fuck your mind up. They really screw around with your sense of self. In fact, the goal of every narcissist is to obliterate you. Which is why we fear obliteration. But I share what I have shared above to show you that there is another way. That it doesn't always have to mean obliteration to merge consciousness. It doesn't have to be this way with everyone. Sure, fire is hot. But not every fire is one that burns you to a crisp. Some fires are warm and life-saving. Others are indeed immolators. I thank you for your time. Adiamas. --Kyriel Comments are closed.
February 2025