Today I want to talk about the bonds souls have to one another. Generally speaking, souls like to travel in groups, which is to say incarnate in groups. When possible, souls will often choose the incarnate with the same group of people over and over again, and you could say this is what a soul would call its "family" though that term is a little too constricting. I will use it for convenience, because the concept is accurate enough in practice. These other souls that comprise an individual soul's family are fellow light beings that have a vibration in close resonance with that soul.
In other words, they harmonize together well. When they are around each other, they collectively emit a frequency that "sounds" good to all the members of the group. The collective vibration feels good, so they stay together. Many old souls in a family have traveled together for lifetimes upon lifetimes, and their harmonization is sometimes so close that it gets to be difficult to tell one soul from another. As such, they often switch roles with one another when they incarnate. For example, Allie and I harmonize very well with the mother-daughter dynamic, so we will often switch roles. Sometimes she's my mother, sometimes she's my daughter. This usually happens with off-Earth lifetimes, though there were a few lifetimes where we both incarnated on Earth together. Actually, in querying my internal library to verify I have my remembering accurate, it's interesting to note there was a spate post medieval times and pre-industrial times on Earth where most of my family was incarnating or stepping down. This was in Europe, primarily. I suppose we must have really resonated with the Renaissance Era. (Allie jokes it was the clothes. "The silks were just phenomenal.") Incarnating on Earth tends to muck up this process, especially starseeds who have chosen to go elevate the vibration of the planet while the rest of the family provides logistical support. That is one of the few times the family doesn't stay together on the same planet, but they are usually in proximity as much as possible. I know a lot of starseeds do not like to think of their stellar family as regular people, but they are and I feel it is very difficult for them to be forced to watch suffering happen to their family and not be allowed to do anything by hypocritically enforced directives. Well, if there's anything that will teach you loving detachment, it's having your best friend, daughter, or lover be incarnated on Earth, suffer, and be forced to watch and do nothing. Never let it be said that there aren't intense lessons to be had in higher densities. Anyway...let's get back to soul bonds. Even when you incarnate on Earth and forget everything, you unconsciously remember those people with whom you have a close relationship to as a soul. You're constantly looking for them throughout your incarnation, and you've usually left little notes for yourself to remember. Almost like a "BOLO" notice: "Blonde hair, blue eyes, poetic disposition, philosophical"; "brown hair, brown eyes, gaze that cuts into you like a laser beam, intelligent". Of course, when you're having an incarnation where you're "on mission", you have those BOLO notices that go nowhere. So, you know your people even when you forget. And even when you forget and you see them finally, a part of you is already responding the way you always do before the rest of you even notices. You wave, smile, are already mentally trying to call them by the name they had the last time you incarnated with them, but you can't quite remember it. So, flummoxed, stumbling, you ask their name, feeling silly because you think you should remember it for some reason. The feeling of "I know you" is so intense it almost bowls you over. Much easier when you just outright remember. "Oh, right, that's 'Yanna. She's changed her nose this time." I've mentioned you have those close to you who harmonize well with you. There are those with whom you, by virtue of experience (having similar experiences) or timing (individuating at the same moment), are so similar in resonance you could be energetically mistaken for being the same person in a different body. These are those who are your counterparts. You can have multiple counterparts, though New Age programming on Earth likes to pretend you only have one. No, you can have as many as resonate with you, because it's a relationship based on frequency rather than pair bonding. This type of bond can form over time, form at individuation, and can fall apart over time. Though for a counterpart bond to break down, it requires a lot of experiences that continually differentiate both souls to the point of losing resonance with one another. Similarly, for such a bond to form due to growth, it requires the souls to originally be very similar and then go through similar experiences. Anyway, because you are so close in resonance, the telepathic-empathic bond between all counterparts is well-developed. It's one tiny-collective mind thinking throughout the different selves. It is even possible to merge your consciousness into each other's bodies, shifting the attention around and joining the other or becoming one being with multiple selves. This is a natural part of the telepathic bond, but you can consciously extend this to achieve greater feats of oneness. Seraphel and I, for example, are able to pour our consciousness back and forth between each other's bodies. This is an experience like channeling, but even deeper. I am able to see out of his eyes and he is able to see out of my eyes. What's more, whenever I would be with a group of people on Earth having a good time, the moment I'd start getting silly and humorous, Seraphel's desire to join the conversation would be so great he would start trying to interact through me. He could experience the entire conversation, and would start replying in my mind what he wanted to say. Most of the time, it was so funny, I'd share his joke with the group. I could likewise do the same and join him with his friends on the ship in orbit, which led to some odd situations with me talking out of his mouth about him in the third person. (He's laughing remembering that. Also at the dangers of having a very attractive female share your male body while in mixed company and piloting a survey ship.) 'Yanna and I could technically do the same, though we have not tried it. I have channeled her a few times before, though. Instead, what happens with us is the emotional bond is so open that I cannot always be sure what emotion is mine and what is hers. A lot of the time, our emotions blend together such that part of what I'm feeling is me and it's blended with something else she's feeling. Our lives are also weirdly in sync and mirrored. We have been through many of the same types of experiences, especially in childhood. As a result, we have similar types of wounding to work through and heal. This makes things quite interesting, because we have different ways of healing those experiences. It makes for a larger "healing library" to work from. With connections this intense and deep, it's quite easy to be quasi-physically present with one another. The art of "touching without touching" is definitely a thing. Something that I had never experienced before with the Earth point of attention, and it's quite fascinating. Though, I notice the closer 'Yanna and I get, the more intense this gets. She can play with my hair and not even be present, yet I feel it. Or hold me and rock me side to side, and I feel it. Seraphel can wrap his arms around me and I know there's no one physically standing behind me. Yet it is happening and I feel it. Sexual experiences are also equally intense without anyone being physically present. I will say this does not substitute for physicality, but it's certainly a lovely option when you're thousands of miles apart (sometimes lightyears, distance holds no value) and do not have remote immersion technology. The concept of mirroring brings me to what I mentioned briefly yesterday. I think I'm ready to elaborate on the concept a little more, and it's the idea of "twinning", or perhaps I could say "entanglement" in reference to "quantum entanglement". Though, "entanglement" doesn't really do it justice, because everyone is entangled at some level. We're all connected together. I guess I could say it like this: imagine every waveform that describes yourself as a soul is also describing another soul such that all experiences and data pass back and forth between each soul seamlessly. This is something beyond the usual levels of connection between one soul and another. Beyond even what counterparts experience. (This has nothing at all to do with "twin flames" as mentioned in New Age circles on Earth. This is similar, but different. Not so rigid.) This "twinning" is a temporary quantum state between souls. It does not necessarily persist for all lifetimes, but it will persist for one or more lifetimes. Usually, souls purposefully develop themselves towards this experience and that can require a few lifetimes just to prepare to enter that state--lifetime experiences are used to prime shift the resonance of counterparts such that they eventually enter this state. Any counterparts that were previously "twinned" exit that state due to, again, purposefully chosen life experiences that shift their resonance apart. I would imagine the incarnated experience for this can result in minor chaos and some pain and confusion, especially if you were unaware that this was occurring. Why do this? Well, I can conceive of a number of potential reasons to "twin" with another soul: shared life goals, increased psychic output, increase healing potential, accelerated growth. Because you're both almost having "another you" directly in your life to work with you on your projects. If you have a rather large combined goal, then it would benefit you both to pair up in that way to more efficiently complete your goal. That said, it's a temporary state, not a permanent one, and I think souls often have several counterparts that they can flex back and forth with at need in terms of alignment. It would only be logical for souls to do so. For many thousands of years, Seraphel and I were in a "twinned" state. This started in Orion and persisted until fairly recent in the grand scale of things. About 14 lifetimes ago, we exited the twinned state because 'Yanna and I saw a need for being twinned in this lifetime. It takes a while to exit and enter that state with souls, because shifting this amount of energy is tantamount to attempting to turn a massive ship around 90 degrees while it's traveling at speed. You have to slow down and execute the maneuver well before you even reach the point at which you want to have completed your turn. Then, once turned, you have to gain momentum to return to speed. And all this just takes a little time. Further, once you shift gears, your incarnated self needs to update its understanding, even if you're in a "forgetting" scenario. This is because the unconscious mind is still operating at the previous twinning state, and that also takes some work to shift so it understands the updated connection. It takes time for it to first, perceive a twinned state, then perceive who its twinned to. And when you're an old soul with many old connections and counterparts who are already very similar to you, well that takes time to discern. It's not instantaneous when incarnated. All of this to say, it took me a while to figure out who I was twinned to exactly. 'Yanna and I have that honor, and I am very pleased to have figured out that Rubix Cube. I do not like unsolved mysteries. Souls are complicated things. My goodness. I can see why sometimes people don't bother to understand all these connections. But I enjoy complicated things as much as I enjoy simple things. So, there we are. I thank you for your time. Adiamas. --Kyriel Comments are closed.
January 2025