Today I want to discuss observations I've made of starseeds on Earth, and this unfortunate habit they have of enslaving themselves to others. To begin, I am perfectly guilty of many things I will discuss today. I have in the past allowed myself to become enslaved to another, and it's not like anyone abducted me, slapped chains on my ankles, and plied a whip. I did it of my own free will.
So, I see this a lot. This soft enslavement of starseeds. It starts with comparing one's own life circumstances to other people's. "They have it way worse than me. I should stop complaining." That's all an ego trick to keep yourself from facing your problems. You compare your situation to someone else whose situation is worse than yours, and thereby excuse yourself from acting in your life. I wish to illuminate something for you. There will always be someone out there somewhere who has it worse off than you. Therefore, there will always be someone out there you can compare yourself to and excuse yourself from working on yourself as a result. Every soul's situation is different and no situation is better than or worse than another's. Every situation has its upsides and downsides. Every situation is unique to the individual. Do not compare yourself to anyone else, and focus on you. In my case, it was like this: "Those people who are being trafficked have it way worse than me. I should stop complaining about my unhappiness in my marriage. What do I have to be unhappy about? I have a home. They do not. I have money. They do not. I have relative freedom. They do not. I must stop crying about how unhappy I am right now. They'd kill to be in my situation." Sounds logical. Right? Except I am not that person being trafficked (at the incarnated self level and this is the level where we must focus sometimes). The person being trafficked is way the fuck over there, and I am right here. The person being trafficked has actually nothing at all to do with me. They are not responsible for my unhappiness, and I am not responsible for their being trafficked. So, let's put responsibility where it belongs, yes? In my case, I ended up having to face the fact that only I am responsible for my unhappiness in my marriage and my life in general. And while I could stop crying about it, that only is useful if I do something about it. Pushing it off on someone else who has it worse off is just irresponsible. It's not fair to that person. It puts more weight on that person's consciousness, too. If I want to help them, then wouldn't it be better to help myself? If I resolve this issue and increase my happiness, and I think of them later, does that not give them better energies to receive? They receive my happiness instead of my sorrow. Anyway, that enslaves you to others. It chains you to others using that ego trick. It circulates MORE lower vibrations and magnifies what is already there that is heavy. There's another enslavement that happens. And it's another ego trick. It's the rescuer scenario. Where someone is lower vibrational than you so you adopt them and keep enabling them thinking you'll save them. "If I just love them hard enough, they'll see the light." Wrong. Unless they show indications of working on themselves, loving someone harder will not make them see the light. They have to see the light on their own first, then you can love them back to it. They have to already be en route to the light in order for that approach to work. If they are not and insist on staying where they are, then all you are doing is enabling them to stay where they are! So you enslave your energy to them, not realizing that you are doing nothing but feeding a black hole. And I understand how all this self-enslavement happens. It happens because many times starseeds view the world from the higher perspective. They can see how they are connected to everyone. They automatically understand that they are one with everyone else. While this is very beautiful, they often neglect the lower perspective which is just as important. The lower perspective, the perspective from the incarnated self, is vital to your survival. If you wish to have a physical vessel, you have to consider its wants and needs, too. And that sometimes means you value the lower perspective over the higher perspective. There's some programming here that has told starseeds that the higher perspective is the "better" one. Not so. It is merely A perspective. Just ONE of many. Ultimately, to live a fulfilling life, you need to balance all your different perspectives. Allow each to have value in your life, because all of them are key to succeeding in your life. I thank you for your time. Adiamas. --Kyriel Comments are closed.
January 2025