Today I want to approach light and dark from the perspective of quantum states. I'll discuss more than just quantum physics, of course. This all ties in to consciousness and how it reflects in your experience of it. Light is the state of a waveform when it is observed. It is what happens when potential energy is given conscious attention, and that potential energy forms into a node at the top of a waveform. A node is solidified potential, which then can express in the local universe as a localized phenomena. Localized phenomena can be physical objects or physical experiences.
Darkness is the state of a waveform when it is not observed. It is what all waveforms are when no one is looking at them. It is raw potential energy without form, direction, or conscious attention. Darkness is the womb state of everything. The state of being uncreated, unformed, unattended. Observation creates light from dark. Inattention creates dark from light. When you look away from something, your inattention turns the node back into raw potential energy. It goes back to being darkness. This is why your attention and focus are so powerful. Your attention and focus creates matter. Quite literally. In terms of your consciousness, it works the same way. Light for you in an embodied experience is awareness. Light is not love. It is not an emotion like joy, happiness, or bliss. Light is just awareness. Because awareness is the state of observation within the self. When you become aware of something within yourself, you are bringing it into a state of lightness. You are bringing something that is darkness and making it lightness. Likewise, darkness is unawareness. It is unconsciousness. When you push experiences, emotions, and thoughts away from your awareness, you make yourself unaware of them. You turn that which was in the light into darkness. While darkness is a state of raw potential in quantum physics, when you are incarnated in a body, this raw potential manifests as unpredictable chaos within the self. Why is it unpredictable chaos? Because if your awareness (light) isn't being given to your own raw potential, then some other awareness will be given to it. Something or someone else's conscious attention can be placed on your own darkness and generate a manifestation that you cannot predict, because your conscious attention wasn't the generating force. Anyone's conscious attention can become the generating force of your own raw potential. It's how Lyrians have been tricked for millions of years. We pushed unfashionable parts of ourselves away from our own awareness, and that meant that energy was up for grabs by anything savvy enough to leverage it. This is why it is extremely important to increase your awareness of yourself. If you want to be the conscious creator of your reality, then you must be the one to be putting conscious attention on your own darkness. If you don't do it, something else will. Notice how in this entire article I am at no point telling you that light is good or dark is bad. Because that's not how it is. Light is awareness and conscious attention. Dark is unawareness and raw potential. You can change one into the other at the drop of a hat. And, actually, this can be leveraged yourself to create new realities. Let's go into that a little bit, because this is alchemy at its finest. It can be beneficial to purposefully take something from your awareness and push it into an unawareness state. To push it back into raw potential with conscious attention following it. How do you do this? For example, let's say something happens in my reality that causes me to experience an unfashionable reaction. (I say unfashionable, because we see emotions like jealousy or anger as "not pretty", when all emotions are actually neutral.) So, let's say I get angry about something. It would behoove me to first become aware of the fact that I feel angry. I need to move that anger into my full awareness and bring it into a state of light, yes? Well, once I've become aware of that anger, I can then release that anger. I see the anger. I recognize this is the emotion I am experiencing. I can hold it close to me in love for myself, because my anger is telling me something important. Then I release it. But when I release it, what I'm doing is consciously turning it back into darkness. I'm not shoving it away from myself, I'm letting it go back to raw potential energy with a conscious attention following right behind it. I'm saying to my anger, "Okay, you go back to being energy. But I'm going to send this awareness into the darkness with you, and we're going to do something about what made us angry. We're going to change the situation that created the anger. We're going to turn the energy of the situation back into darkness, too, and then we're going to recreate it with this loving attention that I've sent in with you." This is how you alchemize darkness into light back into darkness back into light. Because what comes back out of the darkness is a completely transmuted scenario. And this is how you consciously create your reality using both light and dark. It's never just one or the other. It's always both working together. I thank you for your time. Adiamas. --Kyriel Comments are closed.
December 2024