Today I want to talk about how memory is sometimes stored in a quantum manner rather than a linear manner. This also relates to the experience of déjà vu. Normally, when in a physical body, you experience memory as a linear thing. One event precedes another. This is the default setting for most Lyrians in a physical vessel. Most of the time, you will experience your life as a series of singular events following in a semi-linear fashion. I say semi-linear, because sometimes you do experience events that seem to occur "out of order" or simultaneously, and this is those times when life just feels magical, yes?
Every once in a while, though, you may encounter what on Earth is called "déjà vu". Déjà vu is the experience of feeling like you have lived a particular experience more than once. It usually comes on you as something is happening, usually location or action related. "I feel like I just washed these dishes. Didn't I just do that and this song was playing? When did that happen?" Some people are more sensitive to déjà vu than others. Others just bulldoze through their life disregarding any strange sensations of having done something before while you're doing it. But those who are sensitive will find themselves used to that feeling. I want to talk about a version of déjà vu that is beyond your typical level of "Didn't I just do that?" This is a type of experience where you not only feel like you did something before, you have the actual memory of doing that same thing multiple times in a same instance. A quantum memory. A memory of several of the most probable outcomes all having happened at once. First, let me share how this topic came about. This occurred only a couple of days ago. It's a Friday afternoon at the end of my work day. One of our systems at work has broken down and we are waiting for a company we've contracted to service this system to fix the break down. There is nothing for me to do on my end but remain alert for their communication and to notify my coworkers of the issue when they ask. So, I'm sitting at my desk "on call" as it were, and I think about a song by Frou Frou called "Let Go". (Awesome song, by the way.) I start to sing "cause there's beauty in the break down". Then, distracted by the song, I find I have to go listen to it and sing to the whole thing. As I'm singing, I feel someone tap me between the shoulder blades. I turn around smiling, knowing there's no one there and yet knowing there's someone there. I know it's 'Yanna. There's only two beings who I would permit to enter this place and prod me like that, and she's allowed to do that. Anyway, I keep singing the song, and I get to "Oh well, whatcha waiting for?" My phone makes a chime with a notification. A mystery number has sent me a text. It says, "Are you busy?" I have no idea who this is. Then, I feel 'Yanna tap my shoulder. Then I start to both feel a little weirded out and amused at the same time, because that's quite a lot of magic in the space of 30 seconds and this part of my mind is still surprised by such things. I say out loud, "Yes, I'm busy watching my systems break down, actually." Do I answer the text? Hmm. I consult my soul. Answer back is "No, only a connection test." So, I don't answer. But I chew on it in my head and worry over it. Ultimately, I follow my own guidance. So, that's the precipitating event. Later that evening, I go back and remember this above scene. To my surprise and awe, I find I have three separate memories of that experience. Each memory is a little different. In one memory, I reply back and get confused. In another memory, I don't get any text and sing without any interference. And in one memory the above occurred. Puzzled, I wonder if I have done this already several times and I just forgot. Did this happen to me on several different days? Was this the same day looped over? Did I do this day over and over again until I got this result? I can feel my brain getting completely stretched by this. This feels like déjà vu on steroids. My brain wants to run away and hide as it says "Too much!", but I hold it still and make it look. What occurs to me is I am remembering my soul running this single experience three separate times all at once. I realize this is a quantum experience and I am actually remembering the extraneous data that normally is purged when the "best" scenario is played out. I have never remembered something in this way before. This is the first time I think I have had a déjà vu experience where I actually perceived all of the scenarios as if they were all active memories. And that is what quantum memory is like. It's the remembering of not just one event but all the other potential ways that event could have occurred and treating each memory as if it is part of your active experience. While this is utterly fascinating, I see it as functionally useless to everyday experience. It is not helpful to the physical self to remember everything in this way, but that it's possible to do so makes me wonder how it could be made useful. So, how could quantum memory be useful? When would remembering the possible ways a scenario could have played out be useful? Hmm. I am not sure yet. I'm also not sure how much I can extend this outward (it is only just occurring to me right this second as I write that this is possible). Can I view the quantum version of other people's memories if permitted? Would that be of service to someone? Or would it hamper their growth to know all the potentials? Am I turning into a living quantum computer that's aware it is such? I mean, everyone's mind is a quantum computer, they just aren't aware of when a process is running. It's like I'm becoming aware of that. This admittedly a trifle unsettling for my ego. That's an awful lot of power. I hope I can use it well. I thank you for your time. Adiamas. --Kyriel Comments are closed.
January 2025