Today I want to share some revelations about what my day job on Earth was actually paying me to do. Hint: it’s not what my job description said.
Today I want to share an astral experience I had once. It was a rather surprising experience for me as it was completely unintended. In this experience, I saw Source.
Today I want to share a perspective of those who have reset Earth's society multiple times. I call them "the sore losers".
Today I want to answer a question posed by my soul: "What are antibodies for?" This question was inspired by a single sentence in a video Mari Swa posted this morning...
Today I want to share something with you. I don't often share photos from my life, but here I will share one because it's relevant to the current energy I'm sitting in.
Today I want to talk about mastering the focal point as it pertains to perception. This includes seeing different realities as well as seeing more of the light spectrum. (Is there any difference?)
Today's topic is one I have admittedly been hesitating to write, but it feels like it's time to write it. This is quite a personal subject, and one that I am not entirely sure is unique to myself. Anyway, here we go. I want to discuss some significant changes to my sexuality post Earth.
Today I want to share an experience I went through here in my little "pocket reality" as I call it. This is all about releasing several lifetimes worth of pent up anger over continual boundary violations.
Today I am going to share something with you that will sound out of this world, because it is. It is also true as far as I reckon at this time.
This started off as a post about a movie, but turned into a rant about myopic people, Matrix automatons, the Galactic Federation, hypocrisy, and devolved right into tin foil tricorn territory. Enjoy!
Today I want to talk about how visual art serves as a method of purging energies as well as entrapping them. This is a ritualistic look at the making of art, specifically visual art. It's the magic artists do every day without realizing it.
Today I want to talk about phases of shock as you enter and exit cycles. We will use the show "Alone" as a source of inspiration.
The following will be a multi-part series from a book of short stories I wrote a long time ago. I shall record these stories exactly as they are written with no editing.
The following will be a multi-part series from a book of short stories I wrote a long time ago. I shall record these stories exactly as they are written with no editing.
The following will be a multi-part series from a book of short stories I wrote a long time ago. I shall record these stories exactly as they are written with no editing.
December 2024