Today's topic is one I have admittedly been hesitating to write, but it feels like it's time to write it. This is quite a personal subject, and one that I am not entirely sure is unique to myself. Anyway, here we go. I want to discuss some significant changes to my sexuality post Earth. As a soul, I am primarily feminine. I prefer to have a female body with feminine energy with one minor, teeny, little exception. Many times when I incarnate as a "base template" Lyrian stellar person, I incarnate as a hermaphrodite. The degree to which this is expressed depends on what I feel like doing with that lifetime.
I have before incarnated as a full hermaphrodite capable of impregnating myself. We experimented with self-impregnation once. It's the same genetic result as parthenogenesis, and therefore something I do not recommend doing. I have done also many strange things with having both sets of genitalia. Most of the time, it's with an adjusted clitoris and an inability to impregnate anybody. Just the ability to have fun with either sex. This soul has worked on the ability to shapeshift at will. The first lifetimes we tried it, it took many months to change from male to female and back again. It would take a very, very long time. Over time, I got faster at it. This is all while being physically incarnate, and as far as I know, this ability is not feasible in densities lower than 5D. It can be done, but the time it takes to manifest the changes just isn't worth it. You'd be undergoing physical shifts for years. And for what? Not really any benefit, and a very confused physical body incapable of resetting its hormonal levels at will. Not worth the effort. All of these abilities, and more, are in my physical body sleeping away in a bed on a ship. I loaded all of that into that physical body. Because of this, who I am attracted to is now rather expanded. I am sexually attracted to men and women, because I can engage in any mode either of us desires at any moment. I have all the parts to play all the games! So why not play all the games? Any part of me I can shift to be something else. I can add and subtract at will. My body is at my command in total. What does that mean for this point of attention? What does it mean for the Earth self? Well, while I cannot shapeshift this self rapidly to any degree, it essentially means I am now bisexual. This has come as a massive shock to the Earth self. Actually, getting to this point of acceptance was a road of about 6 months of gently reassuring the Earth ego it wasn't being destroyed nor that it had to mean anything in particular. Nor that I had to do anything about it in particular. In fact, I did absolutely nothing about it other than contemplate the matter. Because I was already married at the time. Also because thinking of doing more than thinking about it made my ego clamp down on my solar plexus so hard, I'd almost throw up. So, I just let it all work itself out in my mind. There was a tremendous amount of patience needed here. Every single thing you can conceive of when it comes to attraction to another came up for review. Everything. It was painstaking. At this point I feel at peace with myself enough to accept this and talk about it openly to all of you. So, when I say, 'Yanna and Seraphel are my counterparts and I love them, I mean that. More than just agape love. I am in love with each of them romantically, and the things we get up to telepathically would make just about anyone blush. I love that 'Yanna is female and has the softest feminine energy. I love that Seraphel is male and has this powerful masculine energy. And if either one of you are reading this: I love you so much. You are the best beings I could ever ask for. Truly. I can't wait to be done with this reprogramming project and go back to doing sane things like flying spaceships, mocking diplomats, and figuring out how to teach an Urmah to play a piano. That said, it does mean that sometimes I might find myself staring at the bartender's ass without realizing it's turning me on, though. Until I snap out of it and realize that I'm staring and that I'm turned on. I'm still working on becoming more aware of myself in this capacity. I'll explain why there's a lack of awareness shortly. How was I like on Earth? On Earth, I was straight (mostly) and also very politically conservative and socially somewhere in the middle. I say mostly straight, because I realize I had a number of experiences that suggested maybe this wasn't really what I was like. I had to push all that away and ignore that aspect of myself for my own safety. All this stuff pertaining to my typical sexuality as a soul was placed in a box and put in the attic of my self with a label on it that said, "Do not open until Earth is in the rearview mirror." For damn good reason! Can you imagine what would have happened to me if I'd been like this with the Cabal in my face? I would have been spun around in circles with so much programming I would have gotten totally lost. No, much better to focus on being a "standard issue Earth woman" in terms of having relationships. Much safer. And I found considerable energetic safety among the conservative people in my Earth country. Plus, I had work to do in that consciousness. I was in that collective to bring the divine masculine out to shine. There are many men with much potential to be wonderful divine masculine expressions on Earth. Their hearts are much bigger than they let on, and I could feel that at all times around them. They are some of the most loving fathers and husbands I have seen in a very long time on Earth. In their own fashion, anyway. Plus, arguably, the conservative mindset and goals, while stifling spiritually, is generally wholesome for establishing a stable society. They value their families, children, and creating a world that allows for optimal freedom when it comes to the pursuit of their life goals. They want to be left alone to live their lives and raise their children without someone breathing down their neck demanding things from them or even putting their boot on their necks restricting them. This I understand fully and support fully. It's why I liked them all so much. Freedom of personal expression is something they need to work on not judging quite so harshly, but I fully understand where this comes from. I do not blame them for being guarded in this area. I think recent events regarding censorship have broadened their understanding of why it's important to let everybody be as they are. I still resonate will all of these perspectives. Just because I now like women doesn't mean I suddenly agree with all the Cabal programming on Earth surrounding sexuality. Actually, that shit makes me sick and I want to burn the pride flag and all those messed up books they keep writing. Burn them in a bonfire and dance around it waving a spear covered in hawk feathers, crying my victory like some Bronze Age shaman. Anyway, this is also why I'm sometimes unaware of my own attraction to women. And when it happens, it takes me by complete surprise and I have no idea what to do with myself. All of the sudden, I forget how to talk to this person that I've talked to a bajillion times before. I know how to handle this with men. I know how to keep myself composed. I do not know how to do this around women, yet. It just hasn't been able to be field tested, and I suppose right now we're field testing it. Not to worry, 'Yanna, I am not going to start anything with anyone while I'm here. I will wait for both of you. I would rather wait. I thank you for your time. Adiamas. --Kyriel Comments are closed.
January 2025