How do you maintain balance with service-to-self entities? How do you harmonize with those who are completely disconnected from their divinity and are no longer capable of true empathy (or whose empathic ability has been left severely diminished)? Can they be harmonized with? I use the word "entity" here specifically, because I am going to allow for this word to include governing bodies, groups of people, and any being that is physically incarnate. I want to be all-inclusive here, because I recognize that many of you are dealing with species that are not Lyrian and governing bodies that are obviously not individual people. I am also approaching this from the angle of "you cannot leave" the entity. Not because of an attachment, possession, or addictive pattern. This is due to the logistics of being alive. You cannot always leave your government, for example. Sometimes, there's nothing you can do about that. They exist. You exist. You have to deal with them somehow. It's a quandary, isn't it. You as an empath are food for those who are not empaths. They want your energy, because they can't make their own energy. You cannot avoid these beings as they are part of your reality. So you make strong boundaries, lock them out. And yet, here they are at your door demanding your energy. Banging the door down, sometimes breaking it down. Sometimes they harass you. Sometimes they demean you. Sometimes they placate you. Sometimes they ignore you. Then they might go around and around in a cycle of all four behaviors at seemingly random intervals. What to do? You can't give them your energy and power on demand. Yet you cannot shunt them out of your life, either. This could be because they are part of your government, your neighborhood, your community, your workplace, or your personal life. You've tried the old methods, I'm sure. You've tried strong boundaries. You've tried resisting them. You've tried being a boring boulder. And while that works, sometimes, it doesn't all the way work because of your particular scenario. Sometimes, you cannot "leave" the service-to-self being/entity. It's there whether you like it or not. There are plenty of reasons for this to occur. I shall not enumerate those, as I will approach this from the angle of this is your situation and you need to know how to handle it. Boundaries are ImportantMaintaining strong boundaries is definitely important here. However, it's more effective to energetically enforce these boundaries rather than physically enforce them. Why? Because the entity you're dealing with is fragile, weak, and blatantly enforcing your boundaries blows them over like a house of cards. Truly. I will explain more about how the service-to-self entity operates later in this piece so you can see why this is. But for the moment, hold it in your mind that they are a house of cards. Right, so, energetic boundaries are vital. You need to make sure you do not give away energy when you are not available to be giving that energy. If you are tired, embrace it. Accept that you are tired and do not have energy to provide the service-to-self entity. Once you have done that, do not give them energy. Point blank. Refuse gently. If they get mad, pitch a fit, let them. Become a rock. Do not let their angry fit bother you or trouble you. It will blow out. They are energetically like a child having a tantrum. Do not bend to their tantrum. Yes, it will be stressful. You will feel their anger smash against your field like a wave. Take deep breaths and let it hit your field. As you breathe, it'll go around your field. Do not cave to your desire to harmonize and placate. You will be driven a little batty for a minute by your desire to make things better. It is natural. In this case, you must train yourself to resist that desire. Placating and harmonizing in the way you are used to with other empaths does not work with service-to-self beings. There will be a time for harmonization. When this is happening, this is not that time. Eventually, they will expend themselves and stop. This same notion is true when these entities are doing demeaning things to you, invalidating you, or attempting to traumatize you. Do not placate them when they do this. That is not the time to do it. Stay strong here. Try to let it wash off you. (I refer to the recent conference Captain Gori'el and his crew attended as an excellent example of someone attempting to traumatize you in order to later create a trauma bond. If you are unfamiliar with trauma bonding, please research this phenomena as it occurs on Earth. It's important you be aware of when someone is trying to do this to you.) Knowing Yourself is More ImportantUnderstand that you are an empath. It is in your nature to want relationships and energies between beings to be harmonious. You must accept that this is part of who you are. It comes with a boon and a burden. It is a double-edged sword. When empaths are interacting with other empaths, you are capable of creating harmonious atmospheres that feel like energetic heaven. When empaths are interacting with non-empaths, you are capable of creating hell for you. You must understand that you are food for non-empaths. Try not to take this personally. You are their energy source. They cannot make their own energy. They will always try to feed off of your energy. If you have no choice but to be around them, then know this going in. Know it. There's nothing to be afraid of. Knowledge is power. You, as the empath, are a generator of energy. You have the creation source inside of you, because you have a deep connection to Source itself through your connection to your soul. Therefore, because it's your energy, you choose who to give it to and when. Not the other way around. Fill your cup. When your cup is full, give. When it is not full, do not give. Trust that you are discerning enough to know when to do so and when not to do so. And if you are still learning this discernment, then listen to your physical body. Let it tell you if it's ready, because it will. It's very good at telling you when it's ready to give and when it's not. Most of the time, I feel this in my solar plexus. If my stomach feels nice and relaxed, it is time to give. If it is tight and uncomfortable, it is not time to give. Some might feel it in their chest as a tightness vs looseness. Some might feel it lower down in their abdomen. Some might feel it in their head like a headache or jaw ache. The common theme is: if you are tight, it's not the right time. You need to go fill your cup instead. Understanding the EntityThe biggest thing to understand and accept about service-to-self entities is that they are not connected to Source. Through trauma or genetics or whatever circumstance created this scenario, they have lost their connection to their own divinity. They cannot feel themselves, and because they cannot feel themselves they can't feel anyone else. Unless and until they heal this rift in themselves, they will never be empathic. Period. They are not capable of empathy. So, don't expect them to be. Those who have created this scenario through trauma have their own inner hell they are constantly running away from. They will be looking outside of themselves, because if they look inside, do you know what they see? A massive, gaping maw of nihilistic emptiness that scares the ever-living shit out of them. So, they will look outside themselves for themselves. They will do this relentlessly. Know this. Accept it. This is how they are. You cannot change this. You cannot fix this. Only they can change or fix this. So, accept them as they are. And act accordingly. Right, so, because they are not connected to their divinity, they cannot generate their own energy. They need to obtain it from the outside world. This is why those entities who are service-to-self are very concerned/obsessed with the following:
Sometimes, this is expressed in an extroverted and obvious manner. Most of the time, it's expressed in an introverted and subtle manner. I am betting, my beloved stellar friends, you primarily experience the introverted type due to the lowered contrast of fifth density. You'll see this often in a constant need for admiration, recognition, attention (positive or negative), and emotional support. Without any sort of discernment, people like this can bleed you dry. They cannot make their own energy, so all of their energy is spent getting energy from the outside world. From other people. Every action they take and behavior they exhibit will be done in service to the need to acquire external energy. I mean it. Every social action is calculated carefully to produce an effect on someone else so they give them their energy. (If that sounds exhausting, it is. But that's how they are. It's not our responsibility to fix them.) However, you can harmonize with this tendency, believe it or not. You need to understand this is how they are, this is what they need, and they will expend all of their time and energy trying to get this energy for themselves. Just know that when you interact with them. Know if a service-to-self entity wants your attention, they are hungry and want energy. Just know that and don't take it personally. HarmonizingHow do you harmonize with these beings? Can you?
You can. I tell you that you can. But it requires you to maintain your own boundaries, know yourself, and know them first. Master these three and harmonization begins to follow. What will happen is you will be giving them the energy they need only when your cup is full, you have extra energy you're giving away anyway, and because you wish to give it to them. Do not expect them to reciprocate. You are giving this to them and you will get nothing in return. Know this. It sucks, yes. It's not fair, yes. But know this is the dynamic. Which is why you only give when your cup is full and you want to give. Making it a choice is so important. Realize that of the two of you, you are the one with all the actual power. You generate your own energy. They don't. This is why they jump through all kinds of hoops to get you to give them energy. They know you have the power to say "no", which is why they manipulate the fuck out of you all the time. They know of no other way to attain energy from you other than to try to make you give it to them. See through their manipulation. Know why they are doing it. Let them see you see through it. And then make a choice to give or not to give. The choice is yours. It always has been. They just didn't want you to know that, because they're scared of you. I thank you for your time. Adiamas. --Kyriel Comments are closed.
February 2025