I realize not everyone has Telegram. Therefore, I am reposting some of the best topics from my Telegram channel as blog posts. There are three main energies involved: gold, green, and white.
Gold energies come from Source. Green energies come from Gaia. White energies come from starseeds. Green energies permeate the Earth’s energetic field. This has been happening for a few months now. These energies have also permeated all ascending human’s physical bodies. This instructs the mitochondria of every cell to produce crystalline DNA structures instead of carbon. Gold energies present now contain the instructions for the nucleus of each cell to adopt the new mitochondrial structure. Starseeds absorb the gold energies and alchemize them in their bodies. Their cells therefore adopt the new crystalline structure into the nucleus. Their bodies, once completing this process, will be physically crystalline and being actively producing crystalline cells. What also happens is they create the activation template for all Earth humans choosing to ascend. These energies are white. We make the energies compatible with the Earth human body. This template is released into the collective field for use by anyone choosing ascension now or later. It is permanently available. When the Love Wave/Flash happens: All ascending humans and starseeds will have all of their cells regenerated at once. Their bodies will therefore become crystalline in total. What this means: Technically, the Love Wave/Flash is NOT required to complete physical ascension. What it does is rapid regenerate (like a med bed) all of your cells at once. You could, after adopting the crystalline template and changing the DNA of your cells (a process conducted by your soul), actually go into a med bed and do the exact same thing the moment you were ready. (At this very moment, any starseed on the planet could do physical ascension right now via med bed. We have already completed the process outlined.) You could also wait 7 years for your cells to naturally regenerate. Comments are closed.
December 2024