There are numerous ways mind control is implemented on Earth to manipulate both the Earth human and starseed population. One of the most insidious methods is the implementation of the idea that if you think outside of the strictures of society’s beliefs, you are crazy. And somehow, being seen as crazy has been made to be a terrifying thing. Ever since the rise of the Catholic Church, we have seen increasing levels of mind control. Prior to this time, those who thought or believed differently were locally treated as spiritual beings (oracle of Delphi comes to mind as well as shamans and priests(esses)). And when such people were encountered between warring factions and cultures, they were captured and their gifts were used. While that's not great, they weren't destroyed because they had the gifts. Their gifts were seen for what they were: a connection to the divine in some manner.
I now question very heavily any group who requires force to get anyone else to join their group or to prevent anyone from leaving that group. Be it governmental, civic, religious, or otherwise. If you need force, you're probably on the wrong foot and not acting from a place of truth. However, we can start with this particular programming all the way back in the Middle Ages in Europe, when those who thought or believed differently from the Catholic Church were accused of witchcraft. They were then summarily interrogated, tortured, and murdered by the local clergy and government. Anyone who stepped outside of the confines of religious doctrine was seen as evil. How quaint. Many starseeds out there who’ve been on Earth for a while likely carry some kind of trauma around this experience. I know I was burned at the stake with my mother because at five years old I could do telekinesis. This was in France some time in the 1300’s. A few hundred years later I was hanged in Virginia (American colonies), because I healed people with herbs and my husband of that lifetime was a judge. It didn’t look good for a judge to be married to a woman who was an herbalist. What did I do when I went out into those evil woods and picked flowers and plants? I must be cavorting with the devil! Instead of, you know, picking flowers and plants and singing church hymns to the birds. So, someone in a political position convinced my judge husband I was a witch, and he reluctantly turned me in to the authorities. How. Quaint. Sometimes…Earth is not the nicest place. But I know why this sort of terror of “witches” went around. It ties into today’s topic. As I said, this is the beginning of the most intense mind control programming Earth has ever seen. The program is simple: if you do not believe and think as we tell you, you will die horribly. If we see you are too different, you will die horribly. Conform and be at peace...or else. Of course, the program is nefarious in nature as well. Sometimes, the rules would arbitrarily change. You could be conforming one moment, then not conforming the next. Or, the Church could just be having a bad day and decide they didn't want you around anymore. (Very confusing for the soul. Guaranteed trip back to Earth just to try to figure out what they did "wrong".) To hammer this notion home, the Church also controlled the concept of death. Somewhere around this time period, the Bible was revised to exclude anything relating to reincarnation. So, when I say "you will die horribly", I'm saying this in regards to people who believe that they only live one time and one time only. That this is it. This is their only chance to make an impact. And each one of them wrings their hands and asks themselves, "Well, I don't want to do anything stupid and die for some dumb reason. I don't get to come back and try again. Plus, I might go to hell and be tortured forever after being tortured to death!" We got a reprieve in the mid to late 1800’s when the Chruch’s authority was waning and the religion that is Science had yet to surface. There was a beautiful time when we were exploring things scientifically, and exploring in every direction with no impediment to our desired course of study. I think we were very close to merging spirituality with science at that time. The moment Earth humans successfully merge spirituality and science, is the moment their holistic society begins to bud. This is why the Earth keeps getting reset right when this is about to happen! During that time, we stopped persecuting people as witches and instead were embracing our more histrionic nature. Allowing our emotions to erupt out of us, but in a theatrical manner rather than a barbaric manner. I’m not sure if this is the best way to handle the extremely strong emotions Lyrian’s tend to possess, but it seems like it was a harmless way. And if you were a person who thought about the world differently or seemed to have unusual abilities, you were someone who could be on the leading edge of a breakthrough in human consciousness. Madness was not lauded, exactly, but it wasn’t persecuted, either. More like…examined intently and treated gently. Sanitariums were in use at the time, and they generally consisted of large manor houses in the countryside where you could get some peace and quiet and you were encouraged to go outside and be in nature. If you happened to be a starseed having a hard time on Earth, this would not be a punishment. You might get lonely, but the time in the country would do wonders for your vibration. Sometimes, you would have nefarious families who would seek to “lock you away” in a sanitarium. This is true. In that way, it could become imprisonment. However, these places were not the same as the sanitariums and asylums that came later. And here’s where it gets weird. It seems that all at once across the Western World, sanitariums, which were originally privately owned, were then taken over by the Church. This is when going to one of these became a nightmare. You were punished frequently, often tortured. This is when being seen as “crazy” by society started to feel like a terrifying accusation, because the sanitariums, now called asylums, had turned into hell on Earth. This only continued to get worse as ownership by the Church was ceded over to the State (government), and from that point the government now had control over who was considered sane and not sane. You could be “locked away” by the government, held by the government, and medicated by the government without any way of escape. That. Is. Scary. So, modern society started to see being seen as “crazy” as understandably terrifying and a sentence worse than death. The definition of “crazy” or “mad” became a tighter and tighter box as Science, the new world religion, took over and started mechanistically breaking the human down into nothing more than a robot that could be programmed. (Okay, yes, your consciousness can be programmed, but this is taking it too far.) Any thought that was outside of established Science became the same as any belief outside of the Church. And if your thoughts and beliefs went too far outside of Science, you could be accused of having a mental illness. And if your behavior did not meet the strictures of Scientific study, you could be locked away against your will and medicated until you were too stupid to return to normal life. Science…that which is meant to be the exploration of reality has turned into a dogmatic religion. There is a part of me that mourns this travesty daily. “What have you done!” It says. But I know that it’s not entirely humanity’s fault this has happened. For you see, all that I have described has served to put human consciousness into a tighter and tighter box. To contain them more and more. To make them more and more mechanistic (or that is the goal) and reduce them to meat sacks. This is all so their creative capacity and energy can be harvested by and for beings that can neither create nor generate their own energy. It’s a parasitic relationship in the extreme. Like the fungus that mind controls the ant to climb a branch to its highest point so the fungus can suddenly erupt from the ant and release spores. (And you want to talk about creepy alien things. That happens on Earth and it is the creepiest alien thing I have ever learned about. Ugh…just gives me the shivers.) And this is just about what these non-creative beings do to humans. The thing is, I don’t think that humanity being completely reduced to mindless meat sacks will actually happen. That’s the goal. It’s not the result. There are too many starseeds on Earth and too many stellar people around Earth who keep pushing the sides of the box back out. We keep making the box a little bigger each day, and once expanded and set, the sides don’t go back in. It is inevitable that the box will be broken, or at least made sufficiently large enough that it no longer matters. So keep growing. Whether you’re on planet or off, your growth affects everyone. You, as stellar people, are just as connected to those on the surface as you are to your families back home. You wouldn’t even be here if that wasn’t the case. I thank you for your time. Adiamas. —Kyriel Comments are closed.
January 2025