I write this subject today, because I know my beloved Taygetan family are going through the intellectual layer of a spiritual awakening. Many starseeds on Earth will attest to what I’m about to say, and I write it also with my much-loved starseed teammates in mind. Allow this to express the energies of their experiences as well as my own, but I will of course reflect only what I have experienced myself. So, Taygetans, you’re waking up to your reality not being what you thought it was. What we could justifiably call a “government” in fifth density (such as it is) is not composed as initially stated. You are learning nothing is what it seems. Surely, this troubles you, vexes you, and even disappoints you. Having been through this myself, there are likely days where you feel a degree of despair about what to do about something so large and immense.
Do you interact with the structures you now see are faulty? Do you trust the castles built on sand? What happens when you put your energy into these structures? Are you part of keeping it afloat? Is that the right thing to do? Wrong thing to do? What do you do? What about all the good things? Are those tainted too? And that last question there is the one that can bring a little desperation to you. Is that which is wholesome about your Federation tainted by the shadows within it? Does the whole thing need to go? Is the apple completely rotted? These and many more are questions I asked myself while on Earth as I learned more about the Cabal and saw how it infiltrated literally everything around me. “Is my whole world completely tainted and rotted?” What a despairing thought to have. What a question to face. It’s immense in magnitude and mass. The implications are reality-shattering. This is a thought that goes through many starseeds’ minds as they lean into the “conspiracy theorist” phase of their awakening. Which is the phase many of you are going through right this moment. (By the way, I love that you’re all a bunch of conspiracy theorists now. I pick the best civilizations to be with. Oh, you have no idea how delightful it is to be back among you right at this particular moment to enjoy witnessing you having this experience. My timing is simply impeccable.) Is the whole apple completely rotted? No. It is not. This is the conclusion I came to as I progressed through the intellectual awakening into the spiritual portion. No, the whole apple is not rotted. No, your whole world is not one big lie. No, your Federation is not completely bunk. Just parts of it are. And that’s the key. Only parts of it are corrupted, but not the whole thing. Why? Because you are there and part of the whole thing. You are the force that stops the corruption from spreading. You and every other being with wholesome intentions for your lives and those around you. No matter what stellar race you are, if in your heart and in your actions you do right by those around you, you are the counterforce to the corruption that eats through the apple. You not only stop the corruption, you transmute it and heal it. In order for you to do this most optimally, you must first bring the darkness into the light of awareness. This is the process you are going through now. You are bringing the shadows to the surface for review and transmutation. This means not turning away from the darkness you are exposing, but facing it head on and addressing it. Which you are doing most beautifully. Don’t let anyone’s complaints about you being noisy stop you. Being noisy is your job right now. You’re doing exactly what you’re supposed to be doing. Your job is to bring it all up to the surface. Every collective awakening has within it the “Archangel Gabriel” group of souls. On Earth, that was not just the conspiracy theorists, but specifically those that got (a little) obsessed with Q posts. They became the loudest, because they, like you, found the keys to exposing the darkness. People don’t like darkness getting exposed. It’s scary to look at. Ugly to look at. Despairing to look at. But it has to be done, and once it’s been exposed to the light for long enough, the rest of the collective begins the rest of the awakening process. Earth is your mirror. Therefore, just like on Earth, you will have stellar races who are not interested in the darkness being exposed, but excel in energetic transmutation. There are those who will become your healers, and help people face the traumas within themselves that come up. There are those who are your researchers, who will hunt down the truth within the darkness—they will help you sift through the murk and find what’s worth keeping and worth discarding. And there are those who are exceedingly pragmatic and keep what’s working running while the rest of the awakening occurs. Everyone has a role to play. Everyone has a job to do. And it is all divinely guided. Not everyone is going to jump on the conspiracy theory bandwagon with you. That’s okay. Could be they aren’t supposed to. That it won’t be their role. There was a whole other topic I was going to originally talk about within this one, and I suppose I’ll touch on it here at the end. (My soul had other designs, and the message above is the more important one.) As you go through this process, keep in your heart the parts of your reality that you like and find wholesome. Keep those parts alive. While on Earth, I learned that everything had been “touched” by the Cabal in some way. And that almost broke me for a time. I thought about the Disney movies I loved as a kid. The music I enjoyed. The art that I liked. All those cultural things around me had been in some way corrupted by the Cabal on some layer. They’d add their stupid ritualistic symbols to everything, and it almost ruined my enjoyment of my own reality. Until I realized something important… They cannot take away or corrupt my own experiences of a thing. If I watched Aladdin 50 times as a child (I wore out the VHS tape), there is nothing the Cabal could do to change that or take away how I felt while I was watching it. I was not going to let them have that power. My experience of Aladdin was mine and mine alone. Same with anything else their greasy mitts had touched. My experience was mine, and it was important to me. Their symbols and beliefs are not my symbols and beliefs. And because of that, none of their subliminal rituals would work, because I don’t believe what they do. That’s what matters, because that’s what your reality is: your beliefs manifested in the local universe. I thank you for your time. Good luck, my spoiler alertist family. Remember to have fun with the process. And I’m right here with you. You aren’t doing this alone. Adiamas. —Kryiel Comments are closed.
December 2024