This is a bit of a journal post today. No video. I don't have the energy, but the photo above is real. We didn't get any ice on the roads, but we did get ice on the trees. Yesterday, the sun came out and turned entire forests into sparkling glass. It was amazingly beautiful. There is magic in the small things. I took a walk along the roads, but a walk in the forest itself would have been welcomed.
After some thought over the weekend, I'm coming to the conclusion that I really would have made a wonderful therapist. I just didn't want to do Earth therapy, because I don't agree with many of its precepts. Also, I don't do it the way you're "supposed" to because I can meld with someone's consciousness--even a part of their consciousness. I can become people quite easily. So, you know, try explaining that to a Board of Psychology or whatever authority controls those things. I also don't agree with diagnosing people with mental illnesses, because the way that works on Earth is you get that diagnosis, and it's seen as incurable. Nothing is incurable. But on Earth, that goes on your medical record like some kind of blight and all doctors look at you sideways afterwards. Anyway, I like helping people through emotional problems and understanding themselves. I'm realizing it gives me great satisfaction. Especially when it's someone I care about, but even if I didn't know a person...I do it automatically. Just call me Counselor Troi (I always liked her, and Riker was a bit of a jerk). Only downside is it makes me tired. Maybe with practice I'll have better stamina. Yesterday I was way out of sorts. My soul was doing some kind of something to me that knocked me off my feet after I took the aforementioned walk. When I got back, I had that feeling I used to get when I consumed cannabis (I don't do that anymore). By afternoon I was thirsty. Non-stop thirsty. No amount of water helped slake that thirst. This went on all the way through the night. This morning as I'm writing this, I'm pretty out of it and hungover. I didn't sleep much and I feel like I fell down a flight of stairs or something. Everything's sore. What are you doing to this vessel, soul? -- Hmm. I suppose now we're at the end of this I'll discuss some of the events Mari's been mentioning. To be absolutely fair, I'm really only going to openly contemplate questions raised by the actions of the Galactic Federation and its Earth Cabal pets. Why is it permissible to allow a non-interstellar culture to interact with an interstellar culture but not the other way around? When was the Prime Directive actually written? Why was it written? Who wrote it? On other planets where this directive is applied, does it operate in the same way? In what ways has it been ignored? In what ways has it been accurately enforced? Has it ever been accurately enforced? When do you run a red light? Some remembering... In the past, ETs and Earth humans interacted rather freely. Nobody was hiding who was what. It was fairly open. The last time this commonly happened was ancient Egypt, though I think it was prevalent in Tartaria to a lesser degree--fewer non-Lyrian species were walking around. It's not always the case that ETs are worshipped as gods and goddesses. That doesn't always happen. It only starts happening when someone starts promoting the idea and programming people to do that. Or they rewrite the story of what happened. Now in terms of how I emotionally feel about what happened in Taygeta, three words echo in my mind with varying sets of emotions and inflections: How dare they. Sometimes, that phrase is filled with fury enough to want to gut them and watch the perpetrators bleed out, not caring about anything else. Sometimes, it's filled with sorrow. Sometimes, disgust. Sometimes, ice cold resolve. Mostly, I just think about those Cabal people's feet touching Taygetan soil and my blood just wants to boil. "Get out of my house!" Is another phrase in my head. And then I back up and look at the chess board and see things have been set into motion that maybe needed to be set into motion. From where I am, it is not my place to do anything other than observe the motions as they occur. That and support Mari in whatever way she needs or desires that I can offer. This is her show. I'm just a stagehand right now. I am at your command, director. -- On a lighter note, here is something so absolutely adorable, it may make you cry. The Gecko and the Axolotl. For some reason, the compiled set of videos is gone from when I first watched it, so this playlist will have to do. I thank you for your time. Adiamas. --Kyriel Comments are closed.
February 2025