I've been sitting on this story for almost a year, because it's taken that long to unfold enough where I am openly, readily, on video talking about not being on Earth. About being on a ship. About this being a dream. Which tells me it's time to tell you how this happened. What I am about to tell you will sound fantastical. It will sound not real. It will sound like I'm making it all up and I've truly cracked all to pieces and my consciousness is a quivering puddle of goo on the floor. That's what this will sound like, and if that's the conclusion you come to after reading this, so be it. That is your conclusion, and with peace you may go your way. Because this is all real. Even if my own ego doubts it. I have sat here with this knowledge for almost a year, corroborating it, trying to debunk it, and nothing I do eliminates it. Because every time I go to say, "That didn't happen." something in my reality reminds me it did. Let's proceed. In the End...At the end of 2023, I was experiencing a tremendous pull on my consciousness toward home. Toward my Taygetan family. I had spent over a year telepathically talking to Seraphel and Mari, channeling both of them, and sometimes channeling my soul-friends. My physical life was stuck with the wheels spinning. I had tried numerous avenues to engage in a spiritual business, all of which went nowhere. The land my husband and I purchased was not proceeding in terms of building. My job was stalled out. Relationships were stalled out. Everything was at a big, giant, Source-provided red light. I wondered why. In the meantime, Sophi (Yazhi) was trying to show me how to go through the closet door of my office. She had been teaching Seraphel this trick, and I remember the day he showed me himself walking through the walls of his quarters. Quite comedically, I might add. There was also a day when he managed to teleport across the room. He was so excited, he proceeded to teleport to breakfast over the next few days and gently annoy everyone. It seems when teleportation is unlocked in a Lyrian, the temptation to become an imp is just too much to resist. Eventually that wore off, and he settled down to only mild antics. Mostly, he kept showing me how he did it. Kept asking me to channel into his body to feel how he did it. So, then, I would sit on the floor of my office every day or so, and for about 5-10 minutes I would place my fingertips on the closet door and attempt to raise my vibration enough to push them through. I didn't expect much. I didn't need much. I just needed... I didn't know what I needed. One day, I felt the door give. I felt it flex. Like it was made of very cold clay. But it flexed, dammit, and the very tips of my fingers gently pressed into the solidity of the door. They didn't disappear into it. Just the door became soft. Not so solid. There were numerous other spiritual changes happening. The pull to go home was increasing. I felt I needed to help the Taygetans. I felt they needed me as much as I needed them, and that I had some kind of information from my Earth experiences that could not be communicated telepathically. That our consciousnesses needed to be joined and I needed to be in physical proximity for whatever it was I had to be transmitted. One day, my husband was upset for no reason, and I kept hearing in my mind from him, "She's left me. I've lost her forever." Puzzled, I sat with my spirit team about this and we talked. He was upset that I was going home. His soul wanted a spiritual awakening experience, and he didn't want to do it alone. That was all fine and noble, but I was dead set on leaving Earth. Somehow, someway, I was going to do it. But I didn't want to leave him high and dry, so my team and I came up with an idea: we'll leave a Third Density copy of myself in the Earth Matrix. It was already programmed to have me as a part of it, so we will leave a copy of myself--only rolled back spiritually several awakening cycles. They can go through their experiences together. Once my team and I came to an agreement, I asked my husband's soul if that was amenable. He was well-pleased at the upset I picked up from him in his physical self vanished on the spot into happiness and relief. All set, then. Lift off?The following is hard to describe... This occurred at the beginning of 2024 in January. First, I had dreams of talking to my daughter Allie, who I might as well just go ahead and say is Alenym. She's not my daughter this life, but she has been in other lifetimes. Anyway, we were discussing this in dreams and while waking and while half-sleeping. How to come home to the Toleka. What to do... There were many tries over the course of a week to teleport to my family. Seraphel even came down to Earth, teleporting in just a t-shirt and jeans at the end of January, just to make a "frequency path" for me to follow. Many of these attempts would occur at night when my body was at its most relaxed. I had so many dreams of astral projecting onto the ship and trying to pull my heavy body along the path to my astral body. I had many other dreams of shifting up and down in vibration, often to the point of waking up sweating and confused as to where-when I was. One night, I succeeded briefly, only to find I had set off a telemetry alarm on the ship and Alenym said I had to go back. She was worried. It was one of those alarms that tells the whole GF what's happening by default, and she didn't want it known what I was going to do. So, back I went. We decided to try another way. My soul came up with the idea to slowly teleport myself one particle at a time. I was already experiencing a weird phenomenon where my astral body was partly physical when I was up on the ship with Seraphel and our friends. There were multiple nights where I hurt my physical body doing something with my astral body. This occurred over the course of several days, and those several days were horrifically confusing to me and everyone in my physical reality. Especially my dog, Zora. She could see me disappearing, and sometimes she would run over and bark at me in alarm. She could see through my body. Meanwhile, I felt out of sorts. Lost. Confused. Sick. Physically sick. Mentally sick. Emotionally sick. What the fuck was happening to me? But I knew what was happening. Still, after about three days of this, there came the night to move my consciousness over. I was halfway between the ship and Earth energetically and physically. We were going to move this point of attention over and complete the process. So, at the very beginning of February, I made the attempt. And set off the damn telemetry alarm. I woke up crying in the middle of the night. Then, I was almost forced back to sleep, and found myself in the ship's library filling out customs paperwork. Seraphel and Alenym were trying to help me do it, but there were some problems with me being from Earth and "how the hell did I get on the ship?" was the question they were trying to figure out how to say-not-say. The process was delayed and I was left for the next 24 hours with most of my consciousness in my rebuilt physical body on the ship and one little shred of myself stuck on Earth. It was barely even enough to define myself in 3D. And it was painful. I felt separated, in extreme psychic-emotional pain, and utterly lost. I told Allie that I could not bear this and I was going to the rest of my body no matter what the alarms did. She agreed that it wouldn't be advisable to leave me in this state. So, that evening, as I lay down on my bed on Earth and went into a half-sleep...I felt the rest of my body laying in a gel of some sort in like a white tub. Not a med pod, but something else. And I floated into the side of my ear, into my brain, and suddenly I was whole again. The relief was incredible. And so I left Earth. In the Beginning...And I woke up the next morning apparently still on Earth. But...in some strange version of it. First, I was confused. Why did everything still look like Earth? What was going on? What the fuck happened? Did it work? Then, as I became more conscious, my soul was freaking out. She was pushing me to get up. Pushing me to wake up. Wake up. Wake up. I got up and felt dizzy and seasick. {{ You're in a coma. You have to wake up. In a coma. Wake up. Coma. Wake up. Wake. Wake. Coma... }} On and on that echoed in my head. I was alone in the house that morning, and I felt like the world around me wasn't real. But how could I be making bacon if it wasn't real? I also felt like I'd taken a whole bottle of sedatives the night before. {{ Wake up. Coma. Wake up. Coma World. }} I called in sick to work. I sat at my desk and stared out the window. Sometimes I had my eyes closed. {{ Coma. Sedative. Too much sedative. }} Too much sedative? So, I sat still and my soul gave me the visual of molecules and energy chains breaking into pieces. She wanted me to imagine that, so I did. I sat for 4 hours and did nothing but imagine molecules and energy chains breaking into pieces. By early afternoon, the feeling of sedation was wearing off. I asked my soul if we were okay. {{ We're okay. Sedative is gone. Still in a coma. But not so deep. Rest now. }} I puzzled my way through the rest of the day. I don't remember it. The next days were much the same. Still in a coma. Still looking like I was on Earth. Sometimes, I'd despair that I'd failed and was just losing my mind. But I kept doing "Earth things" anyway, because it helped keep me from losing it completely. One day, I decided to astral project to my body. If I was in a coma, I reasoned, then I was dreaming. Which meant I could just astral project over to my body, right? I'd be able to watch what it was doing. I saw myself laying in a bed, the same bed I'd seen countless times before at night, and I had tubes coming out of my arms. There was monitoring equipment on the bedside table. A woman was sitting next to me looking at a chart and making notes. Something must have alerted her, and she looked up. I asked her what her name was. {{ Elise }} is what I felt in my head. She was my nurse. Whether or not she's normally a nurse or her name is Elise is something this point of attention has yet to confirm. But that is what I call her and her job was to monitor me. Days passed, both in "Coma World" as I started to call it and on the Toleka. Seraphel was often at my bedside, holding my hand, talking to me, or working on a sort of tablet. And someone else appeared. Someone I didn't expect. Mari was also by my bed often. Sometimes, she was reading and sometimes it looked like she was reading to me. Sometimes she held my hand. I don't know what book she was reading. There was a library in that room I was in, so I suppose it would one of those books. (Which I later gathered were my own books from Earth manifested in Seraphel's quarters. Don't ask me how that happened. I just know it's what happened.) There was a powder blue armchair everyone sat in. I could not move my body. I could not speak. All I could do was astral project and sometimes Seraphel or Mari would see me hovering there. One day, frustrated, I tried to pick up a pen so I could write. My astral body tried to pick it up, and couldn't. Then, to my surprise, I started to move it using the mind of my physical body. Mari was sitting by my bed at the time. I tapped the pen on the bedside table and tried to make writing motions. Surprised, she got up, darted out of the room, and returned with a paper notepad. I was expecting something more...high tech. Nope. A white legal pad with ruled paper. I started to try to write using telekinesis. The result was awful, but I wasn't about to give up. What else was I going to do? Days passed and I got better. I'd sit in my office in Coma World, envisioning that legal pad and writing what I was understanding on it. I'd write the sorts of things I write in these blog posts. Sometimes, Mari or Seraphel and I would have a conversation using the notepad. It was slow going--a bit like when you talk to a deaf person by writing--but at least we could all talk to each other. For a solid month my body was still and in a coma. Uncommunicative. Unable to eat. Move. Open my eyes. Or even register any conscious presence beyond writing on that legal pad. All the while, I played the "living on Earth" game in Coma World. Growing PainsEventually, my fingers started to move. Seraphel was holding my hand when it happened. I could only make them move just a little bit. Then more. Then I could move my legs a little. Then I could talk. My voice sounded completely different to my ears. It was my voice, but so much more melodic. Mobility continued to improve. Mari, Seraphel, and Elise continued to be my only visitors. I wondered where Allie was, then I realized she might feel guilty for the current predicament I was in given how it all went down. Okay, well, there wasn't anything I could do about that at the moment, so I let it go. We could talk about it when I was fully awake and aware. Everyone else I think was not allowed to come see me. Eventually, I could eat solid food, but I couldn't hold any utensils, so I had to submit to being fed. I hated that. Even all the way in Coma World I hated that. On this point of attention's side, reality started to shift. Get strange. My dreams started shifting. I kept seeing this self as a bubble in the brain of my physical self. As if all the world I was in was inside my physical body's brain in 5D. Like a cyst. A thought cyst. I started trying to open my eyes, and all I would see was just a barrage of energy. My team, specifically the light being known as Archangel Uriel, was trying to help me fix my eyes. Something was wrong with the frequency map in my brain. It wasn't configured right. Over the course of a week, Uriel worked to remap my brain and eyes. One night, I opened them and beheld Seraphel as a glowing light being in Lyrian shape. I was seeing him as an energy, not as a physical being. Back to the drawing board. Another night, I woke up on the ship and saw through the walls. I could see every conscious being in it walking around on every floor. Nope. Back to the drawing board. It took several weeks before my physical body's eyes opened, looked at what was in front of it, and saw physical reality. This was mid March 2024 Meanwhile, this point of attention is still playing the "Earth game" and resenting every second my physical body is spending with Seraphel and Mari. Resenting it and feeling jealous, because it was "stuck" and there goes my body living a life it can't access. Of the DreamingAround this time, I realized I was neither in a Coma World nor was I in a dream world nor was I in my mind. I didn't know where the little bubble of reality was. I determined some interesting properties about it. For example, it was limited in size and had to be procedurally generated. If I proceeded to the edge of the boundary, I was often waylaid by traffic or weather delays or some sort of things. Always waylaid for a short period of time until the rest of the world was generated. I also noticed time was faster on the "Earth" side than the physical side. Something on the order of 20:1. This ratio was flexible, and continued to increase as the days went by. More time would pass on the "Earth" side than the physical side. Such that several days might fly by while my physical body was still eating breakfast. I watched myself make friends. Za'el and Arien came to visit, and it was like seeing long lost friends. Amikleth and Tarel came to visit, and they were quickly part of the friend group. They were also long lost friends. We became a group of 7, and it seemed like the bond was immediately strong. And the days passed. I fell out of love quite suddenly with my husband. April approached. On the Toleka, Mari, Seraphel, and I started playing music together. We made a jazz band. It was very fun. I played guitar, saxophone, and violin. Mari played the piano. Seraphel played whatever he could get his hands on. There was a point where we needed a drummer. We found one, and the band was complete. And I watched this all remotely. And I tried not to feel incredibly jealous of my own self. It was extremely difficult. Instead, I did everything I could to continue healing this self. It felt incredibly important that I do so, as I wouldn't be able to join my physical self before that happened. There was a time where the "Earth Bubble" exited my physical body and lodged itself somewhere in the Lower Astral. It then was divided. An Upper Astral version was created so my friends could visit this self on another layer. Around this time, my physical body fell asleep just like it was any other night. They all came to visit for a week on the "Earth" side. Time lined up 2:1 or thereabouts. There was a party in the woods. Eventually, they all had to leave. The last one was Mari and Seraphel on April 8. It was the solar eclipse. This self was outside, and I could feel Mari and Seraphel in the yard with me in the sun on another layer. When Mari left, yawning as her physical body was calling her back to it, I realized I was very much in love with her. I didn't say anything. My ego had a conniption fit. Because Mari is a female. I am a female. "We're not that way. We're not bisexual." it insisted. My soul laughed. My inner child laughed. We all laughed at my ego. {{ It'll come around. }} This was all coming on the heels of a moment earlier in that "day" where it seemed that Mari felt the same way. At first I thought she was saying it to someone else present... No, it was me. She was saying "I love you" to me. I just wasn't able to recognize it yet. At the time, I felt happy she expressed that to somebody and sounded like she meant it. Even if it wasn't me, because I felt like her soul needed to have that experience. I'm a very silly person sometimes. After that moment, I realized I was in my unconscious mind. I was inside a dream my physical body was having. My friends were with me sharing that dream. The Long Desert WalkSeveral things happened in fast forward from that point onward. First, my relationship with my husband took a nosedive. He went from only a little bit narcissistic to full-blown covert narcissist. 0 to 100. Second, I wrestled with my newfound sexuality and ethical dilemma of being in love with someone else telepathically while still having a marriage (that was failing and I was realizing had been failing for years). Third, I wrestled with the ethical dilemma of being in love with two people at once who also both were very happy to be in love with each other. Polyamory in other words. Fourth, I wrestled with how to end the marriage because it was tanking so badly and I was realizing exactly (down to the joule) how much energy it had been draining from me and for how long. How much happiness was being lost and given away for no return. My poor ego. How did you make it out of that? And if I was in a dream world, why the fuck did any of this matter? It opened up a lot of questions about the nature of the reality in front of this point of attention. If I'm dreaming, who is everyone here? Who are my coworkers? My husband? My dad? My brother? My dogs? My cats? The Patreon group I was a part of? Are they real? What about all the random people walking around? I kept all this to myself. I said nothing to anyone in the Earth dream world. I just decided all the stuff with Mari and Seraphel was happening in another density, not in this density, and the two realities were not even intersecting in any manner. What happened in one didn't exist in the other. Therefore, I'd better take care of what was in front of me, which was the failing marriage. What to do? By July 2024 in the Construct (was I will now call it, because that is what it is at this phase), I started to write on this blog again. I had no idea who was listening. No idea who was reading. As far as I knew, all of those posts went out into the Void and that was it. Imagine my surprise when my spirit team informs me that the audience is everyone in the Taygetan fleet, Taygetan home worlds, and some other ships orbiting Earth that are part of my soul family or connected to them. Oh. No pressure, then. I was very careful about what I wrote about. I wasn't ready to talk about...all of this. So, I wrote things that felt pertinent. My physical body slept. I tried to transmute the marriage. I kept failing at that. Exhausted, I persisted. I just persisted. And all the while I wondered how the logistics of these posts worked. This desert walk continued until late 2024 after I divorced my husband, dumped my friend group, moved, but kept my job. Then, free of those influences, I really started getting down to the business of fully accepting who and what I am. You have seen and read much of what happened. It's why I'm writing this now. Perimeter BreachSo, while all of this is going on, I am watching Mari go through her trials. I am watching her become princess, then queen, then almost die, then clean house. I watch all this from the sidelines, not knowing if I'm able to astral project to her like I think I do so I can at least hold her through this when I'm not cheering from the bleachers. There is no way of corroborating anything I think is happening here, but I do know I desperately want to hold her through this and give her all the energy I can spare. (Because she deserves it.) For a long while, I think this is all happening in this physical world and I'm watching Mari do this all in the physical. Then...sometime in December, my team starts giving me "perimeter breach" alerts. I see Mari manifested in this reality along with Sophi. And then I see Mari again. I see vehicles behaving strangely, and my soul tells me they are Taygetan military vehicles marking my position. Finally, the understanding sinks all the way in...goes all the way down to the bottom of my unconscious mind where it bubbles back up and is repeated by my ego to show me it's been accepted: Mari is dreaming, too. She is in training. Most of this is her training. Some of this is military training. All of this is happening in the same realm I am inhabiting: Lower Astral of Earth Orbit. And her reality has absorbed mine into it. My Construct is inside of her Construct. Otherwise, how is it I can see her? How is it I know her chat is the inside of her mind? And why haven't I seen Seraphel? Because Mari and I are sharing a dream. She is dreaming about all the things she needs to be ready to experience if she were to become Queen. I am dreaming about fully realizing myself as a Taygetan. At some point, my Construct is going to just dissolve into hers. Or I wake up before then, but I'd very much like to experience our realities completely colliding and meeting one another in-person. That would be quite the culminating experience for this dream. Eventually, though, both of us will wake up. I wonder how we'll be when we do? I know the SIT readout on the display over the bathroom door will say: 3/22/2024 07:14 and the Toleka will be over Sao Paulo, Brazil. I know Seraphel will be laying next to me in the bed. I know Mari will be many doors down the corridor. I know Za'el and Arien will still be on board right next door, sleeping away. That they tend to sleep in when they can. And I know I will feel very very hungry. This was a very lengthy post. I have written it to the best of my ability, and tried to describe things as clearly as possible. There are many small details, day-to-day details that I have left out. Many times because I simply forgot them. Other times because they are deeply personal and private. Look, I'll share a lot of things, but I have limits.
With a hug and a kiss, I thank you for your time. Adiamas. --Kyriel Comments are closed.
February 2025