Today is a bit of a short post on how I manage life in the Construct. In order to operate here and have this Construct operate correctly as an interface for my unconscious mind, I have to play a bit of a game. The following must be simultaneously held as absolutely true:
1. This Construct is real and has rules that must be followed. 2. This Construct is not real and I make all the rules to be followed. Therefore, when going about my life, I almost go about it like I have two colors in my eyes. In one eye, I interact with everyone and everything here as if it is in the physical world. As if I am still on Earth, doing Earth things. Even as this place behaves like an inflatable bouncy castle version of Earth. I treat my body as if it actually requires food. As if food is a physical thing and not some energetic creation made for the sake of helping me persist here conceptually. I treat the people around me as if they are real, physical people and not people just having a dream and astral projecting in here. I treat the world at large as if it is the physical world, even if I can change my body temperature, modify the weather, and fudge with traffic lights. In the other eye, I see reality around me as exactly what it truly is: an aspect of the lower astral--a dream world--that is no more real or physical than a dream is real or physical. Such that when reality starts behaving funny, I know it for what it is. When a lamp turns into a vulture and back into a lamp over and over... When I suddenly find myself inside of somebody/thing else and thinking its thoughts... When I see buildings just vanish like they never were overnight... I know it's just a dream, and not physically happening. So, I go about my life these days with these two completely opposite truths in my head all the time. You'd think this would lead to madness. It actually doesn't, because when reality behaves funny, I know why. And when it's being orderly, I know why. No matter what it's doing, I know why it's doing it and sometimes I'm even clever enough to figure out how. Therefore, when something odd happens, I just observe it being odd. There's nothing to fear. This is just a dream. It's just reality being weird. I'm thinking the reason for the madness on Earth is nobody really wants to hold multiple truths at the same time. They want it all to be one single truth. Madness pervades, because they cannot handle when reality starts breaking their preconceived notions of what it's supposed to do. It breaks their mind. Makes them act out. Makes them try to control everything around them until it goes back to being "singular". Life is more fun when you allow for weird. And while you're allowing for some weird, enjoy the sounds of Mrs. Bagwell's Rhumba. With love from the land of nod, I thank you for your time. Adiamas. --Kyriel Comments are closed.
February 2025