Today I want to briefly discuss how I handle remembering past versions of myself. How do I perceive them in comparison to this self? Let's explore. I don't know how other starseeds on Earth experience remembering past lives, but when I started to remember previous stellar identities there were two things that felt incredibly clear to me:
This was an obvious truth to me, so I never felt like I wanted to go back to any previous self. I felt like they were all previous versions of this current software, and that this one was the most updated. So, Kyriel versions 1-6 are previous versions of Kyriel version 7. They are not the most updated. They are not as spiritually evolved. They are not as adept. This one is the most adept. Kyriel version 7 (Stephanie) is the most evolved version of this soul that is presently incarnated. While on Earth, I had a hard time believing that. Now, I believe it. The same with every past life self. They are all versions before this one. All of my future versions of self are based off of this one. This is the one that counts right now. The same also goes for the lifetime in general. Lyra back when I was Kyriehimnys (the very first incarnation as a physical being) is not the Lyra that is there today. If I were to "go back" to Lyra today, I would not find my family. My soul family has traveled the cosmos since then, because that's the type of souls they are, and they are now largely found in Taygeta. Though some also live as blue Sirian beings. Every once in a while, a starseed will ask me if I want to go back to my origin point. I say, "There is no going back. It would not be the same. Things have changed. I have changed. And I don't want to." Which is a true statement. Instead, I am following the natural whale song of my family. There have been many lifetimes on Earth where they have not called me back to them like this. Many lifetimes where I was incarnated, sometimes with one or two of them with me, and I lived out my life in total obliviousness to my stellar origins. There have been other lifetimes where they were incarnated and I was the one watching them from orbit, helping them from the sidelines. And other lifetimes where we were all incarnated off-Earth together, doing one thing or another as a group. This is a unique lifetime. A convergence lifetime. In this lifetime, they are to call to me and I am to call to them. We are to magnetize towards each other and cross an impossible-to-cross barrier. So, when I say, "I am Kyriel" I say not that I am any previous version of that stellar self. I am Kyriel, a stellar person born on Earth in an Earth body with the express purpose of transforming that Earth body back into a stellar one. The life I am creating as a stellar person indeed has all of the old souls from previous versions in it, but the roles are all different and everyone is an updated version of themselves. My soul-daughter is not my actual daughter this lifetime, and I know this. I am conscious of it. Yet, some of the energetic dynamic is there. My soul-father is not my actual father this lifetime, and I know this. Yet some of the energetic dynamic is there. My soul-mates (counterparts) from previous lifetimes are not immediately lovers this lifetime, and yet when we met one another the energetic dynamic was there from the instant of meeting. "Do you remember me?" "Yes." Even if they aren't exactly the same person they were, they are still the same soul. My soul loves their souls and wishes to be in harmony with them. In order for us to magnetically pull each other together, they also must feel the same. You could state this phenomena scientifically and call it harmonic resonance. That'd be true. The romantic way of saying it is, "We make beautiful music together." In terms of soul-mates, this is a very complex process of interaction. "I know you" is so strong a feeling, yet this is a new version of them. I know you, but I don't know you. We are not exactly picking up where we left off, but it's obvious there is history there that our souls would have us reference. I see all of that as a good thing. We get to start all these relationships fresh and new with the comfort of already feeling safe with the other soul. Let's get to know the new version of you. See how you've grown in the last bunch of lifetimes. I know our souls are always busybodies watching each other develop. I know we all commune regularly to share our progress excitedly. Though...that conversation has to sound very strange to an incarnated version of yourself. Soul-mate interactions are even more complex when there's an intense telepathic connection before there's even a physical interaction. Now we're taking "I know you" and magnifying that experience beyond what is normally encountered. How do you handle meeting someone you've been talking to telepathically for over a year? Do you treat it the same as if you were talking to them online? Logically, I think it should be rather seamless. There's no need to differentiate between the two experiences. They are all the same experience. Logically. Lyrians are not terribly logical when it comes to matters of the heart and soul. We're special that way. (Here my soul wishes to interject directly... "We're romantic that way! And it is the best way to be. No other species is like this." She would know, we've been many other species.) Anyway, all of that said... This life I am creating is a new one. The physical body asleep on the Toleka is not a previous self or previous life. It is a new self and new life that has not yet been fully birthed. I don't think I've ever built a vessel like the one that's currently asleep. It's very different. It's Lyrian, but only just. It's just defined enough to hold its shape as such when I'm not thinking about what shape I'm in. Yet that idea is held loosely enough that I can easily reprogram the "default settings" of it at need. My soul has big plans for that self and its new life. We are in the process of preparing the personality-mind that shall inhabit it. This self that is writing this now--Kyriel that is, Stephanie that is--is that personality-mind. This is the person who shall drive that body. So, my beloved friends and family and lovers...the person you are getting to know now in this Construct. This is who you will see when we all wake up from this dream. This is the one who will look at you out of that body. Shall we play a game when we wake up? Shall I be the one to ask "Do you remember me" this time? Will you remember me? I love you. I thank you for your time. Adiamas. --Kyriel Comments are closed.
February 2025