What it takes to exit a matrix. To leave the 3D Matrix, all you have to realize is that you are more than just your body. That's it. You do that, congrats, you're capable of realizing yourself as a multidimensional being. I say "realize" vs "understand". Because you can intellectually understand something and not realize it. Realizing you are multidimensional involves your multidimensionality becoming part of your daily life. How that looks will be unique to everyone, because everyone expresses their soul essence uniquely. Now, to leave the 5D Matrix, all you have to realize is that you are more than your soul.
"In 5D, we realize we are the soul incarnate, and we intellectually understand that we are Source. But we do not yet realize that we are Source. That we can become anything we wish to become. That we can be anywhere we wish to be. Merely because we imagine it is so. Source is mind, and realizing that, means learning how to operate outside of the confines of the body and soul. To become All at whim. And become Self at whim. We have limiting beliefs that we are this soul having this lifetime and other lifetimes. That is how we limit ourselves to the confines of 5D, which is the realm of Soul expressed as Self. That is our life realized here. Just as your life realized in the confines of 3D is you are a body having one lifetime and no other. Do you see how it expands? We, too, are expanding." - Seraphel Comments are closed.
December 2024