Today, I'm exploring the concept of Local Universes as objects to be experienced like any other object. We're taking the concept of "jumping timelines" and stretching it into a noodle. Every single possible version of every object exists all at once and is accessible all at once. The quantum state of any particle is simultaneously each individual state and all states at once. As I have stated before, this is how Local Universes are formed. There are an infinite number of accessible Local Universes, each playing out every possible outcome based on the consciousness observing it.
As you walk through the corridors of your ship, you walk through every possible state of that corridor. There are some where the corridor is empty. Some where it is full of people. Full of objects. Some where there's a cat, and some where there's a moghyay bird. Some where the corridor is destroyed, full of water, on fire, or not there at all. Same with a planet. As you go through your life on the surface, every possible variation of the planet exists simultaneously as you walk. With every possible outcome occurring at once, and within reachable distance. I say reachable distance, because all that must change is the harmonic of your frequency signature responsible for what Local Universe you are currently perceiving yourself to be in. Sounds simple. It is simple. Yet it takes supreme mental control over your reality to do this, especially if you wish to experience a planet destroyed when that is not an initial part of your trajectory. It's teleporting, but to different universes instead of just different where's and when's. Traveling to a completely different Local Universe is something we all do all the time, but we do it at a micro level with very small changes over time. Otherwise, it would overload the physically incarnated mind to change too much too fast. So, we often change a little bit instead. Instead of going left off the hallway, you go right, and you're in a different Local Universe because something happens when you turn right that is so radically different than if you had turned left. If you had turned left, you might have tripped over a wrench on the floor, fallen on your face, and broken your nose. And let's also say that by turning right, no only did you avoid the broken nose, as you walk down the hallway you experience one of those epiphany moments that sneaks up behind you and jumps into your mind sometimes. There's a sudden awareness of the potential unfoldment of what could have just happened and what happened instead. Now you're in a very different Local Universe where you understand the existence of the other Local Universe just as you left it. This is what creates the sensation of deja-vu. Think this sounds ridiculous? It's happened to me while on Earth numerous times. You never know when those existential epiphanies will strike. They happen anywhere! They're everywhere! I say all of this to get to the following concept, which appears to be the less important of the concepts presented. (How many times does it happen where I think something is important and my soul is like "Nope, all these other concepts first, please!") On Earth, there is a belief that collective ascension creates a "timeline split" wherein those who are choosing to undergo the collective ascension experience go to New Earth (version of Earth) and those who choose not to do so also go to another planet (not Earth). I was thinking about this more deeply, and I realized, everyone's on Earth but they're in different Local Universes. Because timelines don't exist as described, because time doesn't exist, but different universes do. Therefore, what is changing is this:
Yet all of these potential experiences are happening in the same "place" all at once. All of these are "Earth", but perhaps in some versions it's not called "Earth" anymore. It's called something else, that's how different the experience is from the original experience. Each Local Universe itself has a vibrating, jittering, soup of variations of itself as well. Just as is so now. What is called a "timeline split" is choosing a Local Universe that is at the outside edge of the soup of universes vibrating together. Which brings me to a new image: that Local Universes cluster together, because they are similar. That you can have groups of Local Universes coagulated together in a soup, and that it's possible for some universes to be completely alien, but possible, yet they are in another group of universes gathered together. As above, so below. You see this grouping happen with every single other facet of existence. It's part of the Law of Vibration. Why wouldn't Local Universes as wholes of themselves be subject to it? No reason why not! I thank you for your time. Adiamas. --Kyriel Comments are closed.
January 2025