Today I want to talk about phases of shock as you enter and exit cycles. We will use the show "Alone" as a source of inspiration. There's a show on Earth I really loved called "Alone". It's not just my incarnated self that loves it. My soul loves this show, too, because it is a precise mirror for her experience whenever she incarnates on Earth. It's a perfect expression for how she feels about it each and every time.
I'll explain the show a little bit for those who have never seen it. "Alone" is a survival competition show that offers a reward of $500,000 to whomever is the "last man standing" of the participants. There are 10-12 participants and each one is dropped off in a 8-square mile area where they are to survive in the wilderness completely alone. There are no camera crews--the participants are given all of the camera gear they could ever not want. They are truly all alone. Each person is allowed to bring 10 specific survival tools from a curated list along with a change of clothes, one personal item (like a photo of their family), a tarp, and occasionally clothing items specific to the region (like a winter coat). In the show, each participant usually goes through the experience of "drop shock". After each participant is dropped off, there's usually a delay between when the production crew leaves via boat or helicopter and when the participant realizes they are all alone. This delay can last minutes, hours, or up to a day. It's like the phase of denial when someone you love dies. You deny that you're alone. You're fine, you think. This is wonderful! How beautiful everything is! How quiet. And then drop shock happens. Suddenly, when you were least expecting it, you feel the aloneness. You can feel it going all the way into your soul. Every person reacts to drop shock differently. Some have panic attacks. Some tap out. Some cry. Some get excited. Some raise their hands to the sky and howl in delight. Everyone reacts differently. I love the moment of drop shock, and suddenly become a scientist studying a new species. I watch everyone carefully through this process. How you react to drop shock tells me a lot about you as a person. It tells me about who you really are inside, and what haunts your unconscious. There's a secondary experience of shock later on in the show. It's slow in coming, but it's the moment when everyone's ego is stripped away and they are down to their core self and whatever lies there. I also watch this time carefully, because there is much to learn about the people as their ego is eroded away and all they are left with is themselves. How will they handle knowing who they are? How will they handle this moment of looking at themselves without any masks hiding themselves from themselves? What do they do once exposed? Some rise to the challenge, even if they eventually quit the competition. Some look themselves in the face and embrace who they are. These are the ones who quit the competition with a smile on their face. Some look themselves in the face and go through pronounced agony. These are the ones who quit the competition and feel regret about quitting for many years. Who actually is the last one standing really doesn't matter. The last one standing is merely the person who is able to endure hardship and themselves the most, but that doesn't mean they are necessarily the one who grew the most. I feel that everything I've written here thus far and all that I feel about that show is a mirror of how my beloved stellar family have felt about me in this life. You asked the same questions of me. The exact same ones. You watched as carefully as I watched the show's participants--for the exact same reasons. Doesn't it just make you continually smile to see all the mirrors everywhere? It makes me smile all the time. Things that make you not feel alone: the mirrors of experience. Anyway... I write all of this to talk about my own drop shock that I'm experiencing right now. When we're talking about an entire life, you go through the first and second phases of shock with each cycle you begin and end. The changes in my life that I have written about lately were all about the second phase of shock, because I was at the end of a cycle. Now, I am in the beginning of a new cycle, and here comes the drop shock. I am alone in a wilderness. The sense of it is all around me. But unlike the show, I do not start this cycle with basic survival gear. I start this cycle with survival gear in plentiful supply. There are no worries on the physical survival front. Abundance is everywhere! But there's still drop shock. I am monitoring myself carefully, just as I would a show participant. Because I want to know what this drop shock is all about. What are we uncovering now? What is the terrain? What is the wilderness I sense? I'd better go exploring. That's usually the first order of business. I thank you for your time. Adiams. --Kyriel Comments are closed.
December 2024