It's been a while since I've remembered a dream this clearly. Well, "dream". I think it was something I did in the astral some time ago. Also some thoughts at the end. A bit of a combined sort of entry. I'm with three other people on a trip, and we are touring the area. In this place, I'm in my 20's. There's a girl with me who is younger, a man who is my age, and another man who is older. We are pretending to be a family. There is a very clear feeling that we are not family, we are there as a group, but to everyone we meet it's as if we are sisters, brother, and father. And we are tourists. That is our story we tell people.
We're all walking down a very busy road that's mostly made for pedestrians, and to our right there's a large blue-grey stone wall with many gates in it. It's a stone wall with elaborate carvings and decorations, and the gates are old but preserved. Behind the wall is what in my mind I see as a "palace". In fact, I think "The Palace of Pondicherry." That is what we are here to see. (The photo for this post is similar to what I was looking at.) I take out my phone and start taking photos of the palace, because I think it's so beautiful. The architecture is amazing, and I want to get a better angle. I leave my group, we're meandering about anyway, and climb up a flight of stairs to get the best angle. I'm about to take a photo, when I turn and see the real reason we're here. Coming out of a building nearby is a Swedish head of state. I do not know his face in waking life--just the second I see him, I know: he is Swedish, he is a head of state, he has two bodyguards that are trouble, and we are here for this man. One of the bodyguards is with him. This one is short, thin, blocky, and looks distinctively like an indigenous Argentinian. His black hair is pulled back in a ponytail, and his eyes are shrewd and careful. For some reason, the business suit he wears is coral pink. I know this man is very hard-hearted and hard-handed. Out of the corner of my eye, I watch him. I tell my "family" I have seen him and his little bodyguard. "Where is the big one?" someone asks back, meaning the other bodyguard. "I don't know," I reply. Suddenly, the head of state is heading my way. I duck inside the gate that leads through the stone wall and crush myself into the corner behind the door. Through the gate comes the big bodyguard. He looks just like the little bodyguard, only he is tall and built like a fridge. He also wears a coral pink suit. My "brother" is nearby, I grab him and pull him into my corner, because "Tall and Ugly" (as I call him in my head in the dream) was about to see him. I whisper frantically into my "brother's" ear that we need to move. We're too close. This is all too close. We manage to squeeze around out of the gate through the wall, but someone spots us. Points us out. And then it all goes sideways. Before we know it, a group of soldiers have arrived and they're all in dark, solid green vests with black fatigues. I knock one of them out and take his rifle. My family is behind me and they're trying to figure out how to get us all out. Meanwhile, I'm pointing the rifle at the soldiers. I do not want to start shooting, but this is not looking good. Tall and Ugly is the one who shoots first. He pulls a pistol out of his business suit, and manages to get a few shots off at us (that miss). I return fire and he goes down. This, of course, triggers the soldiers to open fire. Now we're all scrambling. There's a dolly I was using earlier in the dream like a skateboard. We all run to it, jump on it, and somehow I make it fly. It's a really shitty way to get out of there, because it's slow and just makes us look like a target. My "sister" has something that helps. She turns on a little device and we go invisible--sort of. Not actually invisible. I can see us just fine, but I know from the people on the ground's perspective, we're now a weird shimmer in the air that's hard to see. We escape. I wake up. -- And this is why I overslept this morning. Also why I have a headache. The weather is matching my mood today. Cloudy, but not cold. Sensitive with misting rain. Very emotional and sensitive. Some tears--I do not always know why, but I let them happen. I do not always know who I am in the astral. I do not know what I do all the time. There is a whole side of me that is unfortunately barred from my knowing this lifetime. When I ask, I get told some things. Some very hard to believe things. I feel what I get told I should keep to myself for now. At least until I find myself in a private conversation with someone who factually knows and we can talk about it. I feel I get given clues, though. What do I do with the clues? Connect my own dots and keep my mouth shut? It's very frustrating to hold all of this in my head and not have a single person to talk to about it. I could talk about it here, but it's one of those "It's not time to share" sort of things. This dream I can share, because it happened some time ago. It's a memory. There's a funny thing happening in the mind-chat. A joke(?) that I am some CIC operative that is hiding in plain sight. I cannot decide what to do with this. This self clearly isn't on a ship monitoring intelligence with a team of people. I'm in my little apartment on my couch writing on a laptop. Anyway, I'm not going to claim I'm something that I don't have conscious experience being [penny starts dropping...]. That would not be a true statement. I am also not going to say "I'm just a little old starseed on Earth", because I'm not that, either. That would also not be a true statement. I am a starseed. I am not on Earth. So I let the matter hang. "Not a space ninja," but that's all. This question keeps coming up for a reason. I know you're all trying to get me to say something with it. Admit to something with it, because you keep tempting me with it. Run a big ass red light in myself with it. Are you wanting me to admit that I'm on a ship with Mari? Forgive me (I forgive me) for being a little dense about this. Because, well, that would be a true statement [penny hits floor]. I am. Asleep, granted, but I am on a ship and Mari is also on that ship. She's down at the end of the corridor, a bunch of doors down. If I leave my quarters and look down the corridor, I see her door. The one on the right of that is Sophi, and then the corridor continues to the right. If I turn to the left, there's Za'el and Arien. They are right next door. I am on a corner and my door is at an angle. I suppose you wish me to claim this. It's not the first time you have also joked about me being with Mari such that I know she wears glasses sometimes. Or might know her favorite snack. (Which is funny, because this self didn't know off the top of my head. I just started seeing some kind of cheesy thing. Just like with the banana chips.) As I write this part now and come to it, the sky is trying to peak through the clouds. Reminds me of when I was little and someone would try to make me smile when I was upset. I'd almost want to resist it just to insist I was sad. Then, dammit, they do something funny and I can't help but smile. Even as a child, I'm thinking, "Foiled! I wanted to be gloomy!" I love you, and I thank you for your time. Adiamas. --Kyriel Comments are closed.
February 2025