I realize not everyone has Telegram. Therefore, I am reposting some of the best topics from my Telegram channel as blog posts. Hypothesis:
Channeling beings changes both the channeler and the being that is channeled. Why: Exposure to each others' energy field—which is to say also their DNA expression and vibration—creates alterations in the DNA expression of both participants. This is why consciousness expansion happens to Earth humans and starseeds who channel. But, what I don't hear talked about in sufficient detail, is what it does to the being who is being channeled. Because nothing in this universe is one way. It's always going to mirror. Question: If certain stellar races are predisposed to having overactive nervous systems—so that certain other biological processes can be maintained—and are therefore prone to having greater difficulty managing stress, does exposure to Earth human or starseed fields generate a change in that nervous system such that stress is easier to handle? I ask, because our biology is specifically tailored to handle near-constant stress. (Just ask anyone incarnated here to go on a vacation and notice they never actually relax? Wut iz dis ree-lax-ay-shun?) Anyway, was suddenly wondering about that. Something is pointing to the vagus nerve and potential changes to how it functions in certain stellar race bodies that might end up aiding better stress management. (You might say, why do you care, they're in orbit and you're down here. Well, yeah, but I feel it when they get stressed out and I don't like it when that happens. Therefore, knowing that something I do partly for enjoyment, partly for spiritual advancement is fundamentally assisting them in handling shit hitting the fan scenarios makes me very happy.) Comments are closed.
December 2024