Here's an extra post today. I want to talk about how sometimes when I'm writing or speaking, I'm talking for other people. There's this phenomena that's become highlighted lately so I can see it better. Sometimes when I'm writing, I sense what I'm writing is for more than just myself. Meaning, I'm not just saying this because I'm channeling myself and saying it. I can feel other people's energies attached to what I'm writing as well.
I can't pinpoint exact phrases for writing just now. It's just when I write a post, I can feel that there's more than one person "attached" to the sentence or phrase I just wrote. I can feel I'm speaking for myself and a number of other people who are feeling the same way or thinking the same way. Likewise, there was a moment in a video recently that I posted here I said, "pretending to be an ET" in reference to being in comment sections during the time of the First Contact Project. And then I corrected myself. I corrected myself, because that phrase "pretending to be an ET" was not actually me saying that. It was someone in my family making a joke telepathically about what I was doing while I was speaking out loud. I felt the light teasing from someone. So, I'm having a conversation via video with you and telepathically at the same time I'm recording it and it's all mushing together. How fascinating. It's given me a different view of the concept of "Freudian Slips". What if a "Freudian Slip" is not an unconscious emission, but a telepathic emission? Sort of like saying "You know it's like when -- don't like -- you look at..." where "don't like" is coming from a fucking goose in the flock next to you and you accidentally pick up on it. I think this is mostly just me getting used to being in constant connection to others, and that connection is starting to really exercise itself verbally. All to the good in my book! We're really activating verbal-telepathic communication, which has been my goal for a while. But it requires a little bit of adjustment for I don't accidentally start channeling somebody else's thought while I'm talking. I know most children in Taygetan society have this figured out by the time they're 5. I shan't judge myself on that ridiculous expectation, because I'm just starting to wake this up in full right now as an adult. That it is happening and getting a little mushy makes me very pleased and happy! As for the telepathic connection itself. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I would rather have you all in my head as the loving, silly, wise, snarky peanut gallery than not have you there at all. Even as I am alone on my little island in creation, I feel safe and comforted by the energetic connection that is always running in the background. I never actually feel alone, even in my darkest moments. There have been many times in my life where I've felt on a similar island in creation and felt completely cold and utterly alone. It's a terrible feeling. Lyrians are not meant to experience that for very long. I understand why on Earth "solitary confinement" is the worst punishment there is, because unlike elsewhere in the galaxy, there is no telepathic connection. You are literally alone. Also why the show Alone is a true testament to inner strength. Also why incarnating on Earth in and of itself as a stellar being is a true testament to inner strength. Granted, at this point, I wouldn't recommend incarnating on Earth to any soul. "Don't bother," I'd say. Because it's not a challenge, it's a punishment. In this experience right now, you climb a mountain and instead of being greeted with the energetic equivalent of a feast with your family, you are greeted with a stale cracker and no one at all. Not worth it. At one time, it was totally worth the challenge. Now, no. Don't incarnate on Earth. Wait until the Cabal is out of the way and they stop changing the rules. Then it'll be fun again. Right now, not fun. Nope. Even my soul is like "No, thank you" and my soul loves the Earth Challenge. I thank you for your time. Adiamas. --Kyriel Comments are closed.
February 2025