I realize not everyone has Telegram. Therefore, I am reposting some of the best topics from my Telegram channel as blog posts. This happens to me a lot, but it's a little hard to quantify most of the time because it's subtle. I have an example from this morning though that's fairly solid.
Right. So at the local Waffle House, there's a waitress who's younger than me and has been an MP for the Army. First time we go there and meet her, I ask her what she does, she stands up straight as a pin like I'm her commanding officer and tells me her unit. As if I should know this. (I do not.) After that, I figure out we work in the astral together a lot and I take that C/O role with her on whatever it is we do. This morning, we went, and she was our waitress again. And she said the funniest thing, "You two are so quiet today. What's up? You have the most interesting conversations when you're here." That's funny to me, because first thing in the morning, I am not "all the way here" most of the time. Nor are my husband and I particularly chatty at breakfast. And then I remembered, "Oh, right. We work in the astral. She must be remembering how we are there vs here and getting them mixed up." Because I can tell you my husband and I are constantly talking about something interesting at the 5D level. 3D level is much quieter. Anyway, more 5D-3D bleed over. It's all just mushing together now. Comments are closed.
December 2024