I realize not everyone has Telegram. Therefore, I am reposting some of the best topics from my Telegram channel as blog posts. This is where I'm currently very glad I have a physical body and the shit I do when I'm asleep (or even awake) in the astral does not always happen to this body. Because, well, this body would be broken into many pieces by this point. (And skewered, burned, exploded, spaced, drowned, and ripped apart by gravitational forces.) I'm sure many of you have had instances where you've woken up in the morning with inexplicable bruises on your body or soreness in places that don't make sense for simply sleeping or going about your life. And I'm sure you've heard that this is because your light body is getting banged up when you're in the non-physical, non-local realm. Yes? Right then. Last night, I was on a ship in my light body. Obviously not there in my physical body as that heavy thing is parked in gelatinous 3D (nice and safe I'd like to add). Something happened while on that ship. I think we were rammed by another vessel, and I was thrown against some kind of counter or cabinet. I can see it in my head. It's metallic, squared off, sharp corners, about 4-5 inches thick. Perhaps the top of an engineering counter given the thickness. I slammed into this thing on my right rib cage. This morning, I wake up, and I'm like "Hey, why are my ribs all sore like I fell down?" Go within, investigate, and above is what happened. Had I been there in this physical body, I would have fractured 5 of my ribs. Instead, I just woke up sore. Will that deter me from going on a ship some day? Nope. Just making note here for future self: make the bones tougher and more impact-resistant. So, I'm talking about injuries here, but other things that affect the light body can affect the physical body, too.
If you're sitting somewhere for hours pouring over data, guess what, you're going to wake up tired like you've been sitting somewhere for hours pouring over data. While the physical body is protected from significant injury and invasion while off wandering around in the light body, it is not in anyway disconnected from the light body. This is where the Matrix had it correct: "Your mind makes it real." Therefore, what happens in the astral is held in the mind as real, especially if your belief system includes seeing the non-physical/non-local universe as real as the physical/local universe. So, what happens there happens here, but tempered by the density of the body. Which means, "feeling tired" here might have meant "my brain is totally melted and oozing out the sides of my head" there. Comments are closed.
January 2025