I realize not everyone has Telegram. Therefore, I am reposting some of the best topics from my Telegram channel as blog posts. I'm not troubled very often by astral entities, except this week I've had two nights in a row where they've harassed me in the dream space... Here's how I can tell: These days, I really don't remember my dreams very often. Usually because I'm doing something in the astral that my soul is like "Nope. Classified." I can always ask in the morning what it is I was doing generally, but I don't dream like I used to where I see whole scenes playing out. Sometimes I do, most of the time I don't. Therefore, when I remember a dream, I pay attention. Because it's something I need to understand or work through. Now, entities. How do I know if one is bothering me. I don't dream of zombies or dead things. Instead, the classic sign is this: Something in the dream will be annoyingly invasive and attempt to frighten me with classic "scary tropes" for me. Usually there is a component of anxiety or fear present, and that's how I know it's not a real dream. Real dreams don't scare me anymore. Most often it's something like...an annoying person getting in my personal space/house. My computer/phone getting hacked (that one is my #1 sign). Or someone is trying to send a demonic message (#2 sign). Earlier this week, I dreamt of my phone getting hacked and invasive people. I actually got annoyed in the dream with the invasive people who had hacked my phone, gone through my wallet, and were just getting in my face. At one point, I started chastising them, "If you're trying to get me to go along with you, this is the dumbest way you could do it. You people fail. Get outta here!" Last night, I dreamt of a TV playing a repetitive tune that went "This. Is Lucifer. Lucifer. Lucifer." I hauled out a keyboard and muted it, then woke myself up. But it lodged in my head like an earworm when I woke up. I changed it to the stupid "tune" (if you could call it that) from the latest iPhone commercial. Which was slightly better. Both times upon waking, I clear my field and body. And sure enough, there's usually a hole in my field or a weak point or even something sitting there. These buggers are hungry mosquitoes. How to Clear Your FieldThis is a technique I picked up from Ra and Simon. I don't necessarily follow them or listen to them anymore, but I do use this technique.
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December 2024