Drawing in the post since it's vertical. Today is all about weird wear and tear on this body. ![]() I was taking a walk this morning, and for some reason or another, I looked at my right hand. I noticed on the outer knuckle of my thumb on the palm side is a callous. Curious, I rubbed it. Where did this come from? You might dismiss it as just a callous, but seriously. Where did this come from? I thought about all the activities I do in this reality that would over time cause callouses, and none of them match up to this one in this location. So I asked my soul. The image to the right is what she showed me doing. I'm sitting in a seat, and my right hand is grasping a control. There's a little bar to rest the bottom half of your palm, and my thumb also tends to rest there. The callous is small and specific, because my hand moves only a little bit as I pull the controls. This control is for the pitch, roll, and yaw of a fighter craft. Each finger controls a node on the bottom of the ship. The control itself is adjustable for the arms of the person. My arms aren't terribly long, so it's pulled out a bit. And then there's the throttle on the left. Which explains a pain I've had in my left shoulder and arm the past week. It feels stiff and sore, and I keep wanting someone to grab a hold of my left hand and give my arm a good yank to pop the shoulder joint a bit. The soreness goes from the top of the shoulder, over the top of the arm, and down over the first two fingers and bottom of the thumb joint. It reminds me a bit of tendonitis, which is what happens when you make very fine movements with your wrists and hands for many hours at a time. The display just kind of channeled in when I picked up the pencil to draw. "Yeah, there's a box over here and it's got a data readout. And then there's the ship in the middle sort of like 3D radar. And across the top is a bunch of numbers and data." But everything's vertically written, and when the data readout scrolls it reminds me of the text in the Matrix on the screens. So. Someone is teaching me to fly a Suzy. I do not know who. I tried to figure out who and "Tina" came to mind, but I feel like it's more than one person. There's someone new I don't know who's my main instructor. ... Dariel? Male, blue eyes, dark brown hair that reminds me of pine marten fur. Very short haircut. Sticks out everywhere (probably why it's short). Has a lopsided smile because of one tooth that's bent inwards. Anyway, if I ever needed a clue that this body here and the body that travels at night are one and the same, here's the clue. Which I knew intellectually, but now my ego has some kind of "object" to observe and attach meaning to. Very important. Now I'm wondering if the callouses on my heels are changing because I'm wearing boots all the time at night. Because here in this level of the Construct, I go barefoot as much as possible. It helps to ground all the energy out of me. Yet I've been having trouble with my heels doing weird things. The callouses on the back are growing, but they are also cracking. That has never happened before. Logically, I can conclude it's because they are forming in an environment with lighter gravity and higher humidity, but when I come back to this level, the gravity is heavier. So they "set" in higher gravity and drier air, which means cracking. Fascinating. And annoying. My poor feet. They're also not liking this higher gravity business these days. Same with the rest of me, actually. Well, we'll just have to endure it for a while more. One last note, and it's just an amusing thought that keeps popping into my head. It's a scene from Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. (Hahaha, Mari. Yes, I noticed your title of your recent space news was playing on the movie title. Just don't get frozen in carbonite or sold to the Hutts, okay?) Or it's a scene in my head adapted from the movie. Anyway, Han and Leia are in Cloud City and they're discussing going to get Luke off of Dagobah. That's it. It's that feeling of "We have to go get Luke." And sometimes, there's a funny image of Jedi Master version Luke meditating on a floating island in the middle of creation, and that's where they have to go and they'd be "interrupting" Luke's meditation. I thank you for your time. Adiamas. --Kyriel Comments are closed.
February 2025