Tonight's post is brought to you by: speculative thinking. What is actually above the Galactic Federation level of Saturn? Why can no one reach it? Why is it an endless loop of bureaucratic referrals every time you try?
Another journal entry for today. Personal thoughts and some fun occurrences in the Construct.
I'm not sure why I want to share this, but I will. This is all about the very beginning stages of my awakening. What that was like.
Today I want to discuss observations I've made of starseeds on Earth, and this unfortunate habit they have of enslaving themselves to others.
Today is another journal post, though this is less heavy. I think I just want to offload some thoughts that cannot be organized yet into a single topic.
This is a follow up from yesterday. Basically continuing in the same stream. We're going to get into some childhood wounding, I think. And more processing. Good to air all this out.
This is a rather emotionally heavy post. But it's worth writing, because it helps to process, and why not share the shadows of my heart with you all? What are you going to do? Not read it? Well, that's not much of a consequence. So, here we go.
Today, I want to share a conversation that passed between 'Yanna and I regarding the gravity settings of different planets. I will attempt to get all we communicated accurately expressed, though this is a summary as this conversation was telepathic in nature. That said, 'Yanna tells me I'm accurate to the level of being spooky, so we'll see how this goes.
This post may be a bit of a short one, but it's important and it needs to stand on its own. Do your negative emotions actually manifest nightmares?
Today is a bit of a journal entry. It will be rather personal rather than esoteric, but then again it seems like all of my posts lately are a blend of the two. This is all about what's been happening here recently.
Today, I want to channel a bit of information about Tiamat. It's been in my consciousness lately, and I feel I have enough data drawn in to share something useful about it and what happened to it.
How do I write all these posts? Do I script them out? Do I sit and think about them specifically? Do I put a blindfold on a slap the keyboard? Do I ask my cat to do the job? Sacrifice a chicken and commend it to the post?
I've done all the others, and yet I haven't even bothered to talk about something that I've put many, many hours into enjoying. How about favorite video games.
Today I want to talk about nexus points of consciousness as the concept relates to incarnated individuals. Mostly this is personal thoughts on the matter.
Today I want to talk about how memory is sometimes stored in a quantum manner rather than a linear manner. This also relates to the experience of déjà vu.
January 2025